-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] COMNET Special Issue on Robust and Fault-Tolerant Communication Networks Datum: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 07:34:23 +0000 Von: Prosper Chemouil prosper.chemouil@ORANGE.COM An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
Special Issue on *Robust and Fault-Tolerant Communication Networks*
*Description of the Special Issue* Network services over communication networks play a vital role in our modern private, corporate and institutional lives. This importance is expected to continue to grow in future decades. More and more business, healthcare or government organizations will become increasingly dependent on the communication between their departments, offices and people. In addition, the dynamics and mobility within these circles is growing significantly, due to changing business relations, social or environmental phenomena. Not only does society depend on these services in terms of availability but also in terms of proper functioning in all circumstances: services having stringent requirements with respect to protection of privacy, security, anonymity (such as e-health) cannot accept, for example, temporary leakage of confidential information by accident whether a result of human error or technical problems. The information and communication network technology itself has also been evolving with high velocity. End-user’s connection speed grows by 50 % per year (Nielsen’s Law); users have more and more different types of mobile devices which interconnect them to the Internet (tablets, smartphones, smart watches, etc.). These themselves provide incentives to generate novel technology paradigms which enable more flexible provisioning, network (function) virtualization, or improved power efficiency. The robustness and fault tolerance of these novel evolutions is as crucial as ever.
This special issue aims to collect publications with cutting-edge insights, analysis, designs and/or evaluations in the field of the reliability and availability of communication networks and services. The editors welcome submissions from experts from industry, governments and academia experienced in engineering, network design or modeling.
*Topics of Interest* Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Management and operational aspects in network reliability (e.g. fault management/monitoring, or control) * Robust methods for correct operation of privacy, security and anonymity schemes. * Reliability and recovery of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Network (Function) Virtualization (NFV) * Self-healing and autonomic networks * Green Networking and reliability/dependability * Methods and theory for survivable network and systems design, analysis and operation (including scalability and complexity) * Planning, design and optimization of reliable networks, systems, and services * Simulation/emulation techniques for network resilience * Application and service-specific survivability techniques * Reliability and resilience of data centre networks, grid networks and cloud computing services * Communication networks as an element of critical infrastructures * Public policy, economical or commercial issues for survivability and resilience * Risk and reliability in the Internet and enterprise networks * New and emerging threats (such as self-healing, self-organizing mechanisms and short-coming in network control software being turned against the network itself)
*Submission Details* All received submissions within the scope of this special issue will be sent out for blind peer review by three experts in the field and be evaluated in regards to the relevance for this special issue, level of novelty, depth of contribution, and overall quality. Submitted articles must be original, unpublished, and not currently under review by other journals. If the paper was preliminarily published in a conference, the submitted manuscript must be a substantial extension of the conference paper. In this case, authors are also required to explain the enhancements made in the journal version. Submitted articles must be written clearly, in good English, and should not exceed 25 pages, everything included such as abstract, figures, tables, references, etc.
Authors should follow the Computer Networks manuscript format which can be found at _http://www.elsevier.com/journals/computer-networks/1389-1286/guide-for-autho.... Manuscripts should be submitted online through the Elsevier Editorial System _http://ees.elsevier.com/comnet/_ and authors should select ' Fault Tolerant Comm Nets ' as the article type for submission.
*Important Dates* Paper Submission Due: June 1, 2014 Acceptance Notification: August 1, 2014 Final Papers Due: September 15, 2014 Publication Target Date: December, 2014
*Guest Editors* *Dr. Achim Autenrieth* ADVA Optical *Dr. Deborah Frincke* NSA/CSS *Prof. Dr. Didier Colle* Department of Information Technology (INTEC) Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium *Dr. Wouter Tavernier* Department of Information Technology (INTEC) Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium
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