-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for Posters and Demos - ACM SenSys 2022 Datum: Sun, 18 Sep 2022 20:54:12 +0900 Von: JeongGil Ko jeonggil.ko@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: JeongGil Ko jeonggil.ko@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
ACM SenSys 2022 solicits submissions of poster and demo abstracts reflecting on-going research progress and/or demonstrating working prototypes. We welcome submissions in broadly defined areas of interests (but not limited to): systems of smart sensors and actuators, new applications of sensory devices, smart things, and smart infrastructure, and the underlying research challenges in communication, networking, energy and resources, data management, algorithms and machine intelligence, hardware designs, and deployment in real environments. We explicitly encourage submissions of revolutionary concepts, path-breaking ideas, and ongoing research prototypes from the academia. Major IT industries, as well as emerging technology startups, are also highly encouraged to participate. ACM SenSys is an ideal venue to present brand-new products, early prototypes, new development platforms, or even ongoing crowdfunding projects of smart platforms and solutions that might catalyze future applications and/or disrupt today’s sensing and networking technologies. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by two or three experts and evaluated based on technical merit and innovation as well as their potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas. All abstracts should be formatted according to the main conference paper layout. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: September 23rd, 2022 AoE
Notification of acceptance: October 7th, 2022 AoE
Camera ready deadline: October 13th, 2022 AoE
Poster and Demo Chairs
Jie Xiong, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Maria Gorlatova, Duke University
Program Committee
Kittipat Apicharttrisorn, Carnegie Mellon University
Eugene Chai, Nokia Bell Labs
Sandip Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur
Tingjun Chen, Duke University
Andres Gomez, University of St. Gallen
Jingsong Han, Zhejiang University
Shubham Jain, Stony Brook University
Guohao Lan, Delft University of Technology
Ang Li, Qualcomm AI & University of Maryland
Tianxing Li, Michigan State University
Chi Lin, Dalian University of Technology
Alex Mariakakis, University of Toronto
Shahriar Nirjon, UNC Chapel Hill
Jorge Ortiz, Rutgers University
Nirupam Roy, University of Maryland College Park
Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology
Yan Wang, Temple University
Lei Yang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fusang Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yuanqing Zheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Submission Instructions
Posters and demos must be submitted as a single PDF containing no more than 2 pages. The submission should be self-contained ready for publication, including the title, authors, institutional affiliations and contact information, abstract, main body, and references. Please DO NOT anonymize your submission. Upon acceptance, instructions for the final camera-ready abstract will be provided. Demos of previously published work are welcomed if the previous work is cited in the submission.
Template link for MS Word and LaTeX: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
Your poster abstract should have "Poster abstract:" at the beginning of the manuscript's title. You may include links to additional online material such as videos. Videos of accepted posters will be linked from the SenSys web pages and permanently included in the ACM Digital Library.
Your demo abstract should have "Demo abstract:" at the beginning of the manuscript's title. Authors of accepted demo abstracts will be asked to submit the video showing the demonstration; if you include the video in the submission as additional online material, you don’t need to submit it again. The video should be no more than three minutes in length. Videos of accepted demos will be linked from the SenSys web pages and permanently included in the ACM Digital Library.
ACM SenSys 2022 posters and demos submission system: https://sensys22posterdemo.hotcrp.com/
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/