-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Mycolleagues] Deadline extension: IEEE green Communications Workshop at GlobeCom 2010 Datum: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 11:02:07 +0200 Von: Juergen Quittek Quittek@neclab.eu An: mycolleagues@mailman.ufsc.br
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****************** Deadline extension to July 11 ********************
Third International Workshop on Green Communications
Miami, Florida, USA, 10 December 2010
To be held in conjunction with the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2010) Miami, Florida, USA, 6 - 10 December 2010
*** Extended Paper Submission Deadline: 11 July 2010 ***
The steadily rising energy cost and the need to reduce the global CO2 emission to protect our environment are today¹s economical and ecological drivers for the emerging consideration of energy consumption in all fields of communications. Triggered by network operators experiencing energy cost as a significant new factor of their calculation, researchers have started to investigate approaches for reducing power consumption and manufacturers have started offering energy-efficient network components. Also standards bodies, such as the IEEE, are already developing standards for energy- efficient protocols. While research and development in these areas has recently gained momentum, the space of potential solutions is still far from being explored.
The Third International Workshop on Green Communications will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2010) and will bring together academic and industrial researchers for discussing energy-efficient communications. After two previous successful workshops on green communications at ICC'09 and GLOBECOM'09, it will continue to serve as a forum for addressing research challenges between the already established conferences and workshops covering energy efficiency for IT on one side and for wireless sensor networks on the other side.
Topics of Interest:
We solicit contributions that report recent results, share experiences, or address research challenges in energy-efficient network protocols and devices and in energy management. Particularly, we want to identify and address issues with a very high potential for significant energy saving, including access network infrastructures, home networks, and terminal equipment, but excluding energy efficiency for IT (specifically data centers), sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and mesh networks.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to
* Energy-efficient protocols and protocol extensions * Energy-efficient transmission technologies * Cross-layer optimizations * Energy-efficient technology for network equipment * Energy-efficient switch and base station architectures * Low-power sleep mode * Exploitation of passive network elements * Energy-efficient communications management * Architectures and frameworks * Hierarchical and distributed techniques * Remote power management for terminals * Context-based power management * Measurement and profiling of energy consumption * Instrumentation for energy consumption measurement * Operator experiences * Energy-efficiency in specific networks * Mobile and wireless/wired access networks * Broadband access networks * Management of home and office networks
Paper Submission Guidelines:
We invite you to submit your papers to the Third International Workshop on Green Communications. Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review elsewhere, and has not been previously published. All papers will be properly peer- reviewed by members of the technical program committee and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the workshop. Paper length should be no more than five (5) pages, a maximum of one (1) additional page will be allowed but will incur additional page charges for publication of the camera-ready version. Papers with more than six (6) pages will not be reviewed. Submissions must use double column format, including tables, figures, and references, with a font no smaller than 10 points. Please use the Transactions stylesheet template provided by IEEE to assure that your submission meets our guidelines. Papers must be submitted in PDF format through the EDAS conference system by selecting the "GC'10 - Workshop" "Submit" link at the EDAS paper submission website and then selecting "IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Green Communications" Accepted papers will appear in the GLOBECOM workshop proceedings and will be included in IEEE Xplore. At least one of the authors of accepted papers must attend the workshop to present its paper. Papers are to be submitted no later than 02 July 2010.
For any question or problem related to the paper submission process, please contact quittek@nw.neclab.eu with e-mail Subject: GreenComm10 workshop submission problem.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 11 July 2010 Acceptance Notification: 13 August 2010 Camera Ready Version Due: 31 August 2010 Workshop Date: 10 December 2010
Organizing Committee:
Juergen Quittek, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany Ken Christensen, University of South Florida, USA Gerhard Fettweis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Honggang Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Technical Program Committee:
Raffaele Bolla, University of Genoa, Italy Jaideep Chandrashekar, Intel Research, USA Kwang-Cheng Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Dominique Dudkowski, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany Stefano Giordano, University of Pisa, Italy Mamoun Guenach, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Antwerp, Belgium James Hong, POSTECH, Korea Ryutaro Kawamura, NICT, Japan David Lister, Vodafone Group R&D, UK Priya Mahadevan, HP Labs, USA Michela Meo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Ashish Pandharipande, Philips Research, The Netherlands Mario Pickavet, Ghent University, Belgium Dan Keun Sung, KAIST, Korea Rod Tucker, University of Melbourne, Australia Joerg Widmer, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA