-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [tubs.city-prof] IEEE VTC2010-Fall Datum: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 16:41:40 +0100 Von: Thomas Kürner t.kuerner@tu-bs.de An: tubs.city-prof@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Dear Colleagues,
I'd like to bring to your attention that one of IEEE's flagship wireless events will be held in Ottawa next year: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2010 - Fall (VTC2010-Fall).
VTC2010-Fall covers almost all aspects of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technologies, including but not limited to, antennas and propagation, physical layer, signal processing, multiple access, networking, and applications (such as ad hoc, sensor, and cellular networks).
In addition to the technical sessions, the 4-day conference will feature several tutorials, panels, and plenary/keynote speeches, as well as a rich social program.
Kindly refer to http://www.ieeevtc.org/vtc2010fall and the attached CFP for more information; the paper submission deadline is 15 February 2010.
Thomas Kürner VTC2010-Fall Vice-Chair Track Propagation