-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [All at car-2-car.org] CFP Summer School on Smart Mobility 2020, co-organized by BMW R&D, EURECOM, TU Munich Datum: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 18:15:02 +0200 Von: haerri jerome.haerri@eurecom.fr Antwort an: jerome.haerri@eurecom.fr Organisation: EURECOM An: all@car-2-car.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Call for Student Posters
Summer School on Smart Mobility 2020
jointly organized by BMW R&D, EURECOM and TU Munich,
with the support of the Bayerisch-Französische Hochschulzentrum (BFHZ)
the Bureau de Coopération Universitaire de Munich (BCU),
and the French Laboratory of Excellence User-Centric Networking (UCN@sophia)
July 21-27, 2013
Venue: Frauenchiemsee, Bavaria, Germany
Smart Mobility has attracted a large attention from both industry and academics over the past five years with the objective to bring revolutionary changes in the drivers’ experience by the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) on board of vehicles. With the European Commission’s directive for the finalization of the standardization process in 2013 and an expected roll-out of Day One applications in 2015, it is time to look back at what has been reached and discuss the expected deep changes the industry will face, as well as new opportunities and research challenges that that will arise with the appearance of a “Fully Connected Vehicle” on the road.
The objective of this Summer School “Smart Mobility 2020” is to bring to a seclude location in the beautiful Chiemsee in Bavaria leading experts in Traffic Telematics from both the Industry and academics, and well as MA students and junior scientists, and jointly discuss key challenges ahead of us with the expected societal, economic and technological changes impacting the industry in horizon 2020 and beyond.
BMW R&D, EURECOM and the Technische Universität München (TUM) solicit high quality and highly innovative Student Posters (not full papers) in the following four Key Focus of the Summer School that will be addressed during the week:
- Sustainable Mobility
- Vehicular Cloud
- Smart Cars in Smart Cities
- Personalized Individual Mobility
The submission will be reviewed by the organizer to assess their fitness to the Summer School topics. Student with accepted posters will have the opportunity to present their work in front of leading Academic and Industry experts.
Participants of the workshop, with or without accepted poster, will also have the opportunity to discuss with recruiting experts from BMW R&D for job opportunities in BMW R&D after graduation.
[How to submit]
Poster submission and review will be done on the following link:
Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.
Posters submission has 2 categories:
- Working-in-progress posters (2 pages extended abstract),
- New-idea posters (1 pages extended abstract).
Extended abstract must be in two-column 10pt format. Please use the following LaTeX2e or MS Word templates.
[Proceedings and school scheme]
The proceedings of presentation .pdf files will be available on the school web (with password protected for only school participants to review).
The Summer School allows authors to retain copyright of their submitted work.
Step1: Submit extended poster abstract
--research idea (1 page) or working-in-progress (2 pages)
Step2: After review, submit revised abstract and the poster in .pdf (Poster Size: A0 (841mm x 1189mm))
Step3: Poster presentation during a "5 minutes Madness" plenary session, followed by a 90' poster session.
[Important Dates]
Poster submission deadline June 15, 2013
Poster acceptance notification June 22, 2013
Presentation PDF file submission due July 6, 2013
BMW/EURECOM/TUM Summer School July 21-27, 2013
*Dr. Jérôme Härri*
*Assistant Professor*
*Wireless Vehicular Networks*
Description: Description : EURECOM_20ANS_FR_50
2229 Route des Crêtes - BP193
Tel : +33 (0)