-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Deadline Extended: *LESS'25 Workshop @PerCom (March 17 – 21, 2025, Washington DC) Datum: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:42:46 +0000 Von: Edinger, Prof. Dr. Janick 00000435417db23f-dmarc-request@CS-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG An: owner-tccc-announce@computer.org
**LESS'25 – 4th Workshop on Serverless Computing for Pervasive Cloud-Edge-Deivce Systems and Services*
co-located with *IEEE PerCom 2025*, March 17–21, 2025 in Washington DC, USA /tl;dr:/
* Paper submissions due: *December 01, 2024 (AoE)* * Notification of acceptance: January 08, 2025 * Website: https://starless.iit.cnr.it/cfp/ https://starless.iit.cnr.it/cfp/ * Email: starless.inf@lists.uni-hamburg.de mailto:starless.inf@lists.uni-hamburg.de
*Call for Papers* *LESS is an ongoing workshop series on serverless computing for pervasive cloud-edge-device systems and services. The edge-to-cloud continuum presents a promising approach for deploying pervasive applications and services. Although serverless computing has gained traction for mobile applications, its transformative potential within the context of pervasive applications remains under-explored. To address this gap, *LESS aims to investigate how the edge-to-cloud continuum can unlock new opportunities tailored to the unique requirements and structures of pervasive applications and services. *Topics of Interest* *LESS offers a unique platform to challenge and advance serverless computing in decentralized and pervasive contexts. The workshop aims to raise awareness for serverless and FaaS in the PerCom community and foster collaboration with experts from the networking, virtualization, and cloud computing scientific fields. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* *Architectures & Deployment:* o Edge, fog, and cloud serverless computing o Serverless on the edge-to-cloud continuum * *Orchestration & Management:* o Intent-based and context-aware serverless application orchestration * *Applications & Services:* o Serverless computing for pervasive systems and services o Function-as-a-service (FaaS) for pervasive applications o Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) with/for serverless computing * *Technologies & Protocols:* o Distributed serverless computing protocols o Serverless computing in emerging communication patterns (e.g., 6G) * *Evaluation & Analysis:* o Performance evaluation in pervasive scenarios o Modelling, analysis, and simulation using serverless computing * *Experimentation & Business Cases:* o Prototypes and real-life experiments involving pervasive systems o Technical-economic analysis of serverless/FaaS for pervasive computing * *Emerging Areas:* o Serverless quantum computing o Sustainability and energy-awareness in edge serverless systems
*Submission Guidelines* Submissions of papers are due by *December 01, 2024 (AoE)*. All papers must be in PDF format with at most *6 pages*, including references. Papers should contain names and affiliations of the authors (not blinded). All papers must be typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE Computer Society website https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. Paper submission must be done through EasyChair, just like with the main PerCom conference:
* Register for a free account https://easychair.org/account2/create on EasyChair * Follow the direct submission link for PerCom 2025 https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=percom2025 to create a new submission * Select the *LESS Track on the second page
*LESS will be held in conjunction with IEEE PerCom’25 http://www.percom.org/. All accepted papers will be included in the PerCom 2025 Workshops proceedings and included and indexed in the IEEE digital library Xplore. At least one author will be required to have a full registration in the PerCom 2025 conference and present the paper during the workshop. *Organising & Steering Commitee*
* Adel N. Toosi – The University of Melbourne, Australia (Homepage https://adelnadjarantoosi.info/, LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/adel-n-toosi/) * Gabriele R. Russo – Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy (Homepage https://grussorusso.github.io/, LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriele-russo-russo) * Janick Edinger – Universität Hamburg, Germany (Homepage
https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/dos/people/members/edinger.html, LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/janick-edinger) * Claudio Cicconetti – IIT-CNR, Italy (Homepage https://ccicconetti.github.io/, LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/cicconetti/) * Pablo Serrano – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (Homepage https://www.it.uc3m.es/pablo/, LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/pabloserrano/) * Christian Becker – University of Stuttgart, Germany (Homepage https://www.ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/team/Becker-00039/)
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