-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Submission Deadline Extended: Workshop on Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems (TCoNS) Datum: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 15:23:28 +0200 Von: Frank Engelhardt fengelha@ovgu.de
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Deadline Extension!
Workshop on Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems (TCoNS)
*Or: How to build resilient IoT Systems?*
Co-located with the 50. GI-Jahrestagung INFORMATIK2020, September 29 - October 01 2020, Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe
The Internet of Things (IoT) and related future networking concepts promise the ubiquitous availability of data. Applications can aggregate and evaluate relevant sets of data, and they can provide highly flexible, context-aware services, which can interact with each other and form a new type of emergent behavior.
The workshop addresses current research related to the implementation and realization of future IoT applications and systems. Particular focus is put on concepts, tools, and the toolchain, that is required for this endavor. Furthermore, flexible right management, capability and performance profiles, and request evaluation for dynamically composed IoT settings will be targeted. We want to discuss how to realize abstract representations of these aspects in order to automatically react on adapted requests, changed network configurations, or system states.
* Networking concepts for IoT (B5G / 6G Upper Layer Concepts) * Operating systems / Runtime environments / Virtual machine concepts * Service description / Support for service migration in IoT * Online verification and validation for resilience and secure services * Organic computing for resilient IoT * Code adaptation in IoT applications * DevOps, tools, and toolchains for IoT system development
Submission guidelines
Contributions should follow the LNI paper template (see below) and should not extend 10 pages in total. Accepted papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).
Papers can be submitted via Easychair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=tcons2020
Paper template: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/lni
Workshop website: https://comsys.ovgu.de/TCoNS
Important Dates
* Paper submission: 15. April 2020 6. May 2020 * Acceptance notification: 09. June 2020 * Camera ready paper submission: 30. June 2020 * INFORMATIK 2020 conference date: 29. September - 1. October 2020
The TCoNS workshop will be co-located with the GI Jahrestagung INFORMATIK 2020 https://informatik2020.gi.de/ in Karlsruhe.
With kind regards,
Frank Engelhardt, Mesut Güneş, TCoNS2020