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International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT) Special Issue on Wireless Internet
Call for Papers
With rapid evolutions of different wireless networking technologies, wireless Internet will be a reality in the foreseeable future. Research has been carried out intensely in different aspects of wireless networking, such as the system architecture, protocol designs, and cross-layered optimization designs. Different types of wireless operating platforms may be derived through the integration of heterogeneous networks. Besides, wireless multi-hop mesh networks can be established through interconnecting multiple wireless base-stations. Furthermore, convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks and the next generation Internet may bring wireless Internet to handle a variety of applications including, for example, deliveries of bandwidth demanding high-quality videos and images. Research on fundamental understanding and performance analysis of wireless Internet architectures are always indispensable for the creation of the new Internet.
This timely special issue will bring together researchers to present new research findings and analyze different challenging and important areas for enabling our wireless Internet in future. We are soliciting original research comprehensible to all readers of the journal. Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
-- Wireless Access Technologies -- Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Networks -- Wireless Internet Platforms and Software -- Cross-layer Design and Optimization -- Multi-hop Wireless Networks -- Transport layer protocol for wireless Internet -- LTE and wireless Internet -- Emerging Technologies and Applications
Author Guidelines: All papers are refereed through a double blind process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available at http://www.inderscience.com/guidelines.
Manuscript Submission and Schedule: Authors should submit the papers in, preferably, PDF file formats. A prospective author should email the manuscript to the corresponding editor, Eddie Law (Email: eddie@ee.ryerson.ca), and a copy to the Inderscience Editorial Office (Email: editorial@inderscience.com). Please indicate in the subject of your email that it is a submission to the Special Issue on Wireless Internet of International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT).
Important Deadlines: Full-length papers submission January 31, 2010 Notification of acceptance April 30, 2010 Final papers submission May 31, 2010 Publication of Special Issue Third quarter of 2010
Guest Editors: Prof. Eddie Law Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada eddie@ee.ryerson.ca
Prof. Cheng Li Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada licheng@mun.ca
Dr. Ivan Lee University of South Australia Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Ivan.Lee@unisa.edu.au
Prof. Henry Leung University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada leungh@calgary.ca
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