INRIA Grenoble organizes the first winter school on Hot Topics in Distributed Computing. This winter school will take place in La Plagne, a french ski resort, from March 9th to March 14th 2008.
The winter school on Hot Topics in Distributed Computing will give the opportunity to researchers and PhD students to attend talks and discuss hot topics in distributed computing, from both a theoretical and a practical perspective.
Web site: http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~quema/etdc2008 http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/%7Equema/etdc2008
* Lorenzo Alvisi (UT Austin): Byzantine Fault Tolerance: the Long March * Roberto Baldoni (University of Rome): Scalable Publish/Subscribe Infrastructures * Ken Birman (Cornell): Creating a Trustworthy Active Web * Peter Druschel (MPI SWS): TBD * Pascal Felber (Uni Neuchatel): Transactional Memory: Practices * Eric Fleury (ENS Lyon): Scheduling Activities in Wireless Sensor Networks * Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS): Navigable Overlay Networks * Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL): Transactional Memory: Principles * Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA): New Trends in Gossip Protocols * Michel Raynal (Uni Rennes): Introduction to Wait-Free Computing