-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Mostafa Mirshekari mmirshekari@cmu.edu Gesendet: 20. Juli 2019 18:35:09 MESZ An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de CC: clayton@nus.edu.sg Betreff: [Deadlines Approaching] ACM BuildSys 2019 - Nov. 13-14 - New York City – Reminders for Call for Posters/Demos/Workshop Papers/PhD Colloquium
Dear Lars,
We are past the paper submission deadline for the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, Cities, and Transportation (*ACM BuildSys*). However, there are multiple other options for participating in the conference. The conference will be held Nov. 13-14 in New York City, NY, USA.
*Call for Posters/Demos Reminders*
- BuildSys 2019 welcomes exciting demonstrations of novel technologies, applications, and hardware for the built environment as well as posters showing promising early work. - We seek participation from both industry and academia for demonstrations and posters. Accepted abstracts will appear in the regular conference proceedings.
BuildSys 2019 Call for Posters/Demos: http://buildsys.acm.org/2019/posters.html http://trackmyemails.org/1c92e995d1f999d35dde2f1bac182f67/68f1463cc25bf02fd9520626693119e1/ca29f8d4ad05f527d07d43b8c0325c23.html
*Poster/Demo Important Dates:*
Submission Deadline: August 10, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE Notification of acceptance: August 19, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE Camera-ready abstract: September 6, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE Submission site: https://buildsys19postersdemos.hotcrp.com/
*Call for Workshop Papers*
This year, we have six workshops in Buildsys. These workshops are:
- The 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization (UrbSys) https://dcp.ufl.edu/rinker/acm/
- The 1st ACM International Workshop on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) https://bim-wsn.github.io/
- The 1st ACM International Workshop on Device-Free Human Sensing (DFHS) https://dfhs-buildsys.github.io/dfhs2019/
- The 1st ACM International Workshop on Enforcing IoT Security in the Built Environment http://www2.ee.unsw.edu.au/~hhabibi/events/workshop_iotsecbuilt.htm
- The 1st ACM International Workshop on Technology Enablers and Innovative Applications for Smart Cities and Communities (TESCA) https://acm-tesca.github.io/
- The 2nd ACM International Workshop on Data: Acquisition To Analysis (DATA) https://workshopdata.github.io/DATA2019/
For more information about these workshops (CFP, important dates, and their websites), please refer to: http://buildsys.acm.org/2019/workshops/
*Call for Doctoral Colloquium (PhD Forum) Reminders*
- The Doctoral Colloquium of BuildSys 2019 seeks to provide a friendly, supportive, and constructive environment where PhD students can present their research in progress for an open discussion guided by a panel of experienced researchers. - The student should be the sole author, although contributions of the advisor and others should be acknowledged. - There will be no separate registration fee for the Doctoral Colloquium.
BuildSys 2019 Call for Doctoral Colloquium: http://buildsys.acm.org/2019/doctoral/
*Doctoral Colloquium Important Dates:* Submission Deadline: August 10, 2019,11:59:59pm AOE Notification of acceptance: August 19, 2019,11:59:59pm AOE Camera-ready abstract: September 6, 2019,11:59:59pm AOE Submission site: https://buildsys19phd.hotcrp.com/
--------------------- Regards, Mostafa Mirshekari and Clayton Miller
BuildSys 2019 Publicity Chairs