Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of General Chair Jorn Ostermann and the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit papers and proposals for special sessions and tutorials to the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2008.) The conference will be held from June 23-26, 2008 in the fascinating city of Hannover, Germany. Topics for papers include (but not limited to) the following areas in multimedia:
Speech, audio, image, video processing and coding Virtual reality and 3-D imaging Signal processing for media integration Multimedia Communications and networking Multimedia security and content protection Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction Multimedia databases Hardware and software for multimedia systems Multimedia standards and related issues Multimedia applications Medical signal processing
Poster presentations will have tables and power for demos. Space for research exhibits is provided for a nominal charge. Please see additional details in the attached Call for Paper and at the conference website
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Best Regards,
Yun He Tsinghua Unversity
Edward K. Wong Polytechnic University
ICME 2008 Publicity Co-Chairs
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Special session proposals: Nov 26, 2007 Tutorial proposals: Nov 26, 2007 Regular papers: Dec 24, 2007 Notification of acceptance: Feb 29, 2008 Camera-ready papers: March 24, 2008