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-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions: 26 April 2009 --
============================================================= The fourth International Symposium on Smart Home (SH-09) http://www.ftrg.org/SH09
to be held on June 5, 2009 Toronto, Canada in conjunction with The Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2009, http://www.mobiquitous.org/ ) =============================================================
Smart Home Environments (SHEs) are emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm including ubiquitous, grid, and peer-to-peer computing to provide computing and communication services any time and anywhere. To full realize the advantages of the paradigm, we require a host of suitable security services and their applications. They will offer the user remote access to all information about appliances in the workplace as well as at home, and help easily and conveniently use various services to enable working from home, and facilitate remote education, remote diagnosis, virtual shopping, network gaming, and portal & high quality VOD with no limitations on space and time.
SH-2009 is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in the area of SHE including business models, security services, and novel applications associated with its utilization. As a follow-up of the symposium, we plan to publish high quality papers, covering the various theories and practical applications related to smart home. The published papers are expected to present the high level results to solve the application services and various problems in the various SH fields. In addition, we expect they will trigger further related research and technological improvements of the SH.
The goal of the SH-2009 is to bring together the researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of Information Technology.
* Topics We invite new and original submissions addressing theoretical and practical topics in information technology and intelligent computing fields including (but not limited to these topics):
A. SH Applications - Smart home (Building) applications and services - Smart home network middleware and protocols Mobile / Wearable intelligence - Commercial and industrial application for SH - Mobile / Wearable intelligence - Frameworks for integrating AI and data mining - Context awareness model for smart home services - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) / RFID application for SH
B. SH Security - Multimedia Security and Services in SH - Smart home security issues and model - Access control and privacy protection in SH - Forensics and Security Policy in SH - WSN/ RFID Security in SH - Security Protocol for smart home service
C. SH Embedded Hardware and Software - Embedded Hardware Support for SH - Embedded Software for SH - Embedded System Architecture for SH - Real-time OS for SH - Smart and Personal Devices for SH - Power-Aware Computing for SH - Middleware for SH - Specification, Validation and Verification of Embedded Software - Computational Models
Organization * Steering Co-chairs: Jong Hyuk Park (Kyungnam University,Korea) Laurence T. Yang (StFrancis Xavier University, Canada)
* General Co-chairs: Sajid Hussain (Acadia University, Canada) Ankur M. Teredesai (University of Washington, USA)
* Program Co-chairs: Senol Erdogan (Maltepe Univeristy, Turkey) Deok Gyu Lee (ETRI, Korea) Mieso Denko (University of GUELPH, Canada)
* Publicity Chairs: TBA Jongsung Kim (Korea Universtiy, Korea) Firdous Kausar (NUST, Pakistan)
* Steering Committee (TBA): Ching-Hsien Hsu (Chung Hua University,Taiwan) Daqing Zhang (Institut TELECOM - TELECOM & Management SudParis, France) Keith C.C. Chan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) Shiuh-Jeng Wang (Central Police University, Taiwan) Alex Mihailidis (University of Toronto, Canada) Minyi Guo (University of Aizu, Japan) Tatsuya Yamazaki (NICT,Japan) Sang-Soo Yeo (BTWorks, Korea)
* Program Committee: (TBA) Giannis Antoniou (University of Melbourne, Australia) Te-Shun Chou (East Carolina University, U.S.A.) Serhan Dagtas (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, U.S.A.) Hakan Duman (Centre for Information & Security Systems Research, BT Innovate, England) Jeffrey Fan (Florida International University, U.S.A.) Mukhtar Hussain (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan) Ammar Jaffri (National Response Center for Cyber Crimes, Pakistan) Ashraf Masood (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan,) Ayesha Naureen (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan) Rabia Riaz (Ajou University, Korea) Panagiotis Tsakalides (University of Crete, Greece) Bo Zhang (Rice University, USA)
* Important Dates Paper submission: April 26, 2009 Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2009 Camera-ready version: May, 2009 Conference dates: July 13 - 16, 2009
* Paper Submission (TBA)
* Previous Workshops SH-08: http://www.sersc.org/SH08/ SH-07: http://www.sersc.org/SH08/ IWSH-06: http://www.sersc.org/IWSH2006/
--------------------------- Jongsung Kim CIST, Korea University http://cist.korea.ac.kr/~joshep/ _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc