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The 2nd International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments
July 21-25, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland http://www.na.icar.cnr.it/smpe08/
In Conjunction wih MOBIQUITOUS 2008 http://www.mobiquitous.org/
Scope Pervasive computing environments present specific peculiarities with respect to aspects like security and multimodality. As a matter of fact, the accessibility level of a virtual environment can definitively be improved by natural interfaces and multimodal interaction systems, which offer users the freedom to select from multiple modes of interaction with services and permit to break down barriers about human-computer interaction making communication intuitive and spontaneous. On the other hand, while enlarging and easing the ways to access to the environment, security threads arise and the environment must be properly equipped in order to protect itself from malicious attacks and/or from wrong actions performed by inexpert users. SMPE-08 will be held in conjunction with Mobiquitous 2008, in Dublin, Ireland, July 21-25, 2008. As for SMPE-07, best papers will be proposed for the publication in a journal special issue (pending)
Topics - Trust and reputation management in UE - Security applications and services in pervasive computing - Security model for pervasive computing - Intelligent multimedia security services in pervasive computing - Key management and authentication in pervasive computing - Network security issues and protocols in pervasive computing - Access control and privacy protection in pervasive computing - Security Standard for next pervasive computing - Security in Human Centred Environments - Natural interfaces security issues - Advanced multimodal interfaces - Human oriented interfaces - Multimodal mobile and ubiquitous services - Methods for multimodal integration - Middleware services for multimodal and pervasive applications - Context-Awareness in multimodal applications - Multimodal analysis and recognition of contex - Next ubiquitous and immersive environments - Virtual reality and ubiquitous computing - Usability and accessibility in ubiquitous applications - Applications and scenarios - Others: Commercial or Industrial Issue in pervasive computing
Paper Submission Paper submission will be handled electronically. Authors should prepare an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of their full paper. Papers must not exceed 10 pages double column (US Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references. The font size must be at least 10 points. Please visit the Submission page for detailed submission requirements and procedures.
Contact: For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission, please contact
Program Chairs - Dr. Antonio Coronato (coronato.a@na.ica.cnr.it) - Prof. Stefanos Gritzalis (sgritz@aegean.gr) - Prof.Sajid Hussain (Sajid.Hussain@acadiau.ca)
Important dates - Paper Submission: March 15, 2008 - Notification of Acceptance: May 4, 2008 - Camera-ready Version: May 18, 2008
Co-Organizers - Prof. Jong Hyuk Park Kyungnam University, Korea - Dr. Antonio Coronato ICAR-CNR, Italy
Organization Steering Co-chairs: - Jong Hyuk Park Kyungnam University, Korea - Giuseppe De Pietro ICAR-CNR, Italy
General Co-Chairs - George Roussos University of London, UK - Javier Lopez University of Malaga, Spain
Program Co-Chiars - Antonio Coronato ICAR-CNR, Italy - Stefanos Gritzalis University of the Aegean, Greece - Sajid Hussain Acadia University, Canada
International Advisory Committee - Laurence T. Yang St Francis Xavier University, Canada - Hsiao-Hwa Chen National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan - Belur V. Dasarathy Information Fusion Technologies Consultant, USA - Daqing Zhang GET/INT - Institut National des Telecommunications, France - Simon Dobson UCD, Dublin, Ireland - Tai-hoon Kim Hannam University, Korea
Publicity Co-Chairs - Yan Zhang Simula Research Laboratory, Norway - Damien Sauveron Universite de Limoges/CNRS, France - Sang Soo Yeo Kyushu University, Japan