-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Extended Deadline, IEEE INFOCOM'14 Call for Demos/Posters, Dec-23-2013 Datum: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 01:55:00 -0500 Von: Stefano Salsano stefano.salsano@UNIROMA2.IT Antwort an: Stefano Salsano stefano.salsano@UNIROMA2.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Dear Colleagues,
The submission deadline for the IEEE INFOCOM 2014 DEMO/POSTER session has been extended to December 23rd, 23:59pm, PST, 2013. Detailed information is available at: http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2014/Author_C4DP_ToI.html
We are soliciting technical demonstrations or posters showing innovative and original research. IEEE INFOCOM is interested in demonstrations of technology that validate important research issues and results, or showcase realistic applications. Topics of interest are the same as research topics of IEEE INFOCOM - see the main conference call for papers at http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2014/INFOCOM%202014%20CFP%20Final.pdf
Abstracts describing the Demos and Posters will be indexed by IEEE-Xplore and will be distributed with the official conference proceedings. Authors must be present during the Demo and Poster sessions. No show will preclude publication in IEEE-Xplore. Please consult the Demo/Poster Co-Chairs if you are uncertain whether your demo/poster falls within the scope of the conference.
Submissions should be a two-page proposal/abstract in PDF format adhering to INFOCOM submission instructions that are available at the following URL:
http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2014/Author_C4P_MP.html. Be as specific as possible in describing what you will demonstrate or post. In particular, the demo session will have power and wireless Internet connectivity available. If a demonstration requires special arrangements, please send an email to Local Arrangement Co-Chairs Dr. Lian Zhao (lzhao@ee.ryerson.ca) and Dr. Xiaodong Lin (xiaodong.lin@uoit.ca) to ensure it can be arranged. Abstracts of accepted demos/posters will be included in the INFOCOM 2014 Proceedings CD. Submissions should be made via EDAS conference management system. The submission link is: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=15829. In submission, please select one of two tracks: Live/Video Demonstration or Poster Presentation.
Two-page demo/poster abstract due by: 11:59pm (PST), December 23, 2013
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2014
IEEE INFOCOM 2014 Demo/Poster Session dates: to be announced
IEEE INFOCOM 2014 Demo/Posters Co-Chairs
Yu Cheng, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA (cheng@iit.edu)
Stefano Salsano, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy (stefano.salsano@uniroma2.it)
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/