-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM SAC 2016 - RST track CfP Datum: Sun, 19 Jul 2015 13:57:24 +0000 Von: Paolo Bellavista paolo.bellavista@UNIBO.IT Antwort an: Paolo Bellavista paolo.bellavista@UNIBO.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
31st ACM/SIGAPP SAC Symposium on Applied Computing April 4-8, 2016. Pisa, Italy.
A selection of best submissions will be invited to a SI of the journal FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS (Elsevier, IF=2.786 in 2014)
C a l l f o r P a p e r s --------------------------------------------------------------------
In recent years, the world of high-end parallel and distributed computing systems and applications (in their continuous evolving declinations in the form of high-performance computing, grid computing and cloud) is generally paying increasing attention to the problems related to quality of service, determination of the temporal behavior and response of the proposed software platform solutions, interactivity, and performance of the communication tools. In the modern computation centers, traditional distributed applications may coexist with others that become more and more time-sensitive (cross-border surveillance and object tracking, net gaming, remote video streaming, etc.), and this tends to happen in a virtualized infrastructure.
The design of distributed reliable systems must take into account the selection and evaluation of interaction models, software technology choices, temporal behaviour, resource efficiency, performance, scalability, and coordination.
In addition, this track calls for dynamic middleware solutions capable of taking context-aware resource management decisions in order to enforce the most appropriate quality levels depending on application SLAs and overall (possibly clustered) visibility of resource status. These solutions are particularly challenging when dealing with large-scale open deployment environments and their associated scalability issues. Novel and relevant application domains push for evolution and disruptive research in this field; only to mention a few, middleware solutions for datacenter resource management optimization for quality-aware online stream processing of big data flows, energy-aware middleware for resource management in smart city/smart grid deployment environments, middleware for cloud-hosted cyber-physical systems with strict requirements on latency and reliability.
Topics include (but are not limited to) the challenging issues in the design of reliable and resource efficient middleware:
-Reliable and time-sensitive distribution models -Performance of distributed applications -Cloud computing advances for cyber-physical systems and mobile cloud computing. -Middleware for the efficient integration of cyber-physical systems and the cloud -Reactive stream processing and on line processing of big data flows -Efficient integration with the run-time support: operating systems and virtualization technology -QoS-aware middleware for datacenter resource management -Interaction models (e.g., publish-subscribe or event-based). -Programming models and languages -Efficient and context-aware server-side management of smart city data -Scalability in city-wide deployment scenarios
Full paper submission: September 11, 2015. Author notification: November 13, 2015. Camera ready paper: December 11, 2015.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format (6 pages in ACM conf style), according to the instructions contained in the track web site http://rstsac.uc3m.es. Contributions must contain original unpublished work not concurrently submitted to other conferences or journals.
A selection of the best submitted papers (with at least 35% additional content to their original contribution) will be invited to a special issue of the journal FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS (Elsevier). FGCS is a JCR indexed journal with a 2.786 impact factor in 2014 (5-Year Impact Factor 2.464).
M. Garcia-Valls - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain A. Gokhale - Vanderbilt University, USA P. Bellavista - University Bologna, Italy
Kyongho An, RTI, USA Roberto Baldoni, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Italy Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA Gordon Blair, University Lancaster, UK Cristian Borcea, New Jersey Institute Tech, USA Jian-nong Cao, Honk Kong PolyU, Hong Kong Mauro Caporuscio, Linnaeus University, Sweden Antonio Cassimiro, University of Lisbon, Portugal Abhishek Dubey, Vanderbilt University, USA Paul Ezhilchelvan, Newcastle University, UK Nikolaos Georgantas, Inria, France Akram Hakiri, LAAS CNRS, France Joe Hoffert, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA Ruediger Kapitza, Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany Takayuki Kuroda, NEC, Japan Cong Liu, University of Texas Dallas, USA Juan Lopez-Soler, University of Granada, Spain Pedro J. Marron, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany William Otte, Vanderbilt University, USA Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia, Canada Leonardo Querzoni, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Italy Valerio Schiavoni, Univerity Neuchatel, Switzerland Anders Ravn, Aalborg University, Denmark Binoy Ravindran, Virginia Tech, USA Stefano Russo, University of Naples, Italy Michael Wahler, ABB, Switzerland Tomofumi Yuki, Inria, France _________________________________________________________________________________________ Paolo Bellavista, Ph.D., Associate Professor EB Member of IEEE TC, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TSC, Elsevier PMC, Elsevier JNCA, Springer JNSM DISI - University of Bologna Viale del Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna - ITALY Ph. +39-051-20 93866; Fax +39-051-20 93953 Email: paolo.bellavista@unibo.it Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/