-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CALL FOR PAPERS: IEEE Communications Magazine SI on Exploring Caching, Communications, Computing and Security for the Emerging Smart Internet of Things Datum: Mon, 30 Oct 2017 08:00:21 +0000 Von: Chang, Zheng zheng.chang@JYU.FI Antwort an: Chang, Zheng zheng.chang@JYU.FI An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
It is estimated that more than 50 billion devices will be interconnected by 2020, and the generated data traffic will grow by another 1000 times. The evolution of Internet-of-things (IoT) paradigm not only comes with challenges to the research and industrial communities on finding efficient solutions for massive connectivity, but also poses a profound opportunity to reshape the current IoT architectures by exploring the inherent nature of the huge number of smart devices with caching, communications, computing and security capabilities.
Smart IoT cannot be simply regarded as an upgrade of current IoT by just adding to or replacing sensors/actuators/RFID tags in smart devices. It should be redesigned from the physical layer to the application layer in a bottom-up way. In the context of smart IoT, communication is essential to guarantee end-to-end connectivity. Together with communications technology, other features, such as caching, computing and security should be fully utilized to complement the current study of IoT. The resulting new structure, by utilizing these inherent features, may have a wider application over current infrastructure-based cellular networks and traditional sensor-based networks by adopting all these features. However, new features also create unexpected problems which can not be directly addressed through the traditional approaches designed for low-rate IoT systems. Thus, how to effectively utilize existing capabilities to address the fundamental challenges in smart IoT remains challenging. Despite the evolution of IoT, some fundamental problems are still open and require immediate investigation.
This Feature Topic (FT) aims at providing timely and comprehensive overviews of the current state-of-the art in terms of fundamental theoretical innovations and technological advances towards exploiting smart caching, communications, computing and cybersecurity for smart IoT networks. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Smart mobile computing, edge computing, cloud computing for IoT Smart content caching, pushing, and distribution for IoT Advances in technology and architecture for smart IoT Smart data collection, sensing, caching, processing, aggregation, communication, and analysis for IoT Software-defined solutions and network functions virtualization for IoT Efficient resource allocation, QoS, and QoE of IoT Novel authentication, access control and intrusion detection for smart IoT Novel cryptography algorithms for content privacy for IoT Experimental results, prototypes and testbed of IoT Energy efficiency and energy harvesting in IoT Emerging IoT applications in 5G networks such as ITS, CPS, smart grid, smart city, smart health, etc. Standardization of caching, communications, computing and security of IoT.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Please follow the guideline at http://www.comsoc.org/commag/cfp/exploring-caching-communications-computing-...
Manuscript Submissions Deadline: December 1, 2017 Decision Notification: April 1, 2018 Final Manuscripts Due: May 15, 2018 Publication Date: August 2018
Jun Huang Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications, China xiaoniuadmin@gmail.com
Zheng Chang University of Jyvaskyla, Finland zheng.chang@jyu.fi
Chonggang Wang ?InterDigital Communications, USA gwang@ieee.org
Yi Qian University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA yqian2@unl.edu
Hamid Gharavi NIST, USA hamid.gharavi@nist.gov
Zexian Li Nokia, Finland Zexian.li@nokia-bell-labs.com
------------------------------------------------------------ Zheng Chang Dr. Faculty of Information Technology University of Jyväskylä, Finland http://users.jyu.fi/~zhchang/ zheng.chang@jyu.fi mailto:zheng.chang@jyu.fi
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/