-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACM UbiComp/ISWC 2018 Call for Posters (Deadline: July 6, 2018) Datum: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 17:14:10 +0900 Von: UbiComp '18 Publicity Chairs publicitychairs-2018@ubicomp.org An: publicitychairs-2018@ubicomp.org
[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email.] ------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR POSTERS Submission deadline: July 6, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------ ACM UbiComp & ISWC 2018 8-12 October 2018 Singapore http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2018/ http://iswc.net/iswc18/ http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2018/cfps/posters.html
# CALL FOR POSTERS Posters represent the cutting-edge of the UbiComp program. Following the long fruitful tradition of poster presentations, UbiComp/ISWC 2018 solicits submissions for Posters Program that feature early research work and preliminary results. The Poster Session will provide an excellent opportunity for feedback on your early research results and give your ongoing projects early visibility among the academic and industrial audience.
Posters can cover preliminary or exploratory work within the field of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, report about smaller projects or results that are still maturing towards a full paper submission, or present any other research that would encourage discussion.
All accepted submissions will be included in UbiComp 2018 Adjunct Proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. These are not considered to be archival publications; presentation in this venue should not affect the ability for researchers to subsequently publish this work in an archival forum as a conference/journal paper.
All posters will be considered for the best poster award. An independent review committee will select the winner at the conference.
# Poster Deadlines - July 6, 2018: Submission deadline - July 27, 2018: Notification of acceptance - August 10, 2018: Camera ready extended abstract deadline
# Submission A 4-page extended abstract describing the research ideas or results is solicited. It should discuss the novelty and distinguishing ideas or approaches that it brings to the Ubiquitous Computing community. The abstract should be self-explanatory, i.e., it must be understandable even without seeing the poster.
Each extended abstract can be up to 4 pages (including all figures and references) using the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts template: - Word: http://prior.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform/sigchi-paper-format-2016/vie... - LaTeX: https://github.com/sigchi
The review process will be single blind. Submissions must *NOT* be anonymized! Please make sure that your submitted abstract complies with all the formatting guidelines and is ready for publication if it is accepted; there will be no time to make major revisions.
Poster submissions should be submitted electronically through the UbiComp Online Submission System (PCS) ( https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions ). Please select “SIGCHI” as Society, “Ubicomp 2018” as Conference/Journal and “Ubicomp 2018 Posters, Demos and Videos” as the track in the submission page. Your abstract title must be “Poster: (Title of the abstract)” so that it is recognized as a poster submission.
If you have any further inquiries, please contact pdvchairs-2018@ubicomp.org
------------------------------------------------------ UbiComp 2018 Poster, Demo & Videos Chairs Tadashi Okoshi, Keio University Chenren Xu, Peking University Rijurekha Sen, IIT Delhi