-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Special Issue on Cooperative Wireless Networks Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 12:59:12 +0200 From: Frank Fitzek ff@kom.aau.dk To: Frank H.P. Fitzek ff@kom.aau.dk
======================================================== Call for Papers Special Issue on Cooperation in Wireless Networks Springer - Wireless Personal Communication
http://kom.aau.dk/~ff/CfPCoNet.pdf http://kom.aau.dk/%7Eff/CfPCoNet.pdf http://kom.aau.dk/~ff/CfPCoNet.html http://kom.aau.dk/%7Eff/CfPCoNet.html
"The real egoistic behavior is to cooperate!" K. Edwin
**** Submission Deadline --- Oct. 1, 2005 **** ========================================================
Cooperation between devices in wireless networks has been identified as one of the key technology enablers required to facilitate next generation wireless communication systems. Much of the existing research in wireless networking assumes a communication between one sender and one or multiple receiver(s). For reasons of self-interest, users may however allow terminals to engage in cooperative behavior, resulting in improved overall network performance. For cooperation, terminals will connect to each other using a short range communication link and simultaneously being connected to the centralized access point. This configuration allows many forms of cooperation. For this special issue, we distinguish between altruism and cooperation by requiring that cooperation benefit each entity involved. From this perspective, pure relaying is an example of altruism and not cooperation. Cooperation is not limited to a single ISO/OSI protocol layer, but can be addressed across multiple protocol layers. The focus of this call is to solicit novel papers addressing cooperation over all protocol layers from physical to application layer.
=============================== Submission and Important Dates
Submission deadline 1st October Notification 15th January Final version 15th February Planed Issue 2nd half 2006
Papers should follow the Springer format (11pt, single column, double spaced) and not exceed twenty pages including figures and tables. Original papers should be send by submission deadline to cooperation@kom.aau.dk mailto:cooperation@kom.aau.dk
=============================== Topics of Interest
Original papers are invited in the area of cooperation in wireless networks. Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished work. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas of cooperative wireless networks:
Architectural Principles Multi-Access Capability Network Coding Radio Access Technologies Cooperative Processing Resource Management Distributed Radio Cooperative Channel Coding Heterogenous Networks Terminal design Self-organizing networks Cognitive Networks Middle-Ware Grid-Computing Source coding for cooperation Cooperating Services
=============================== Guest Editors
Frank H.P. Fitzek, Aalborg University, Denmark, ff@kom.aau.dk mailto:ff@kom.aau.dk Mischa Dohler, King's College, London, UK, michael.dohler@kcl.ac.uk mailto:michael.dohler@kcl.ac.uk Ian Opperman, CWC, Oulu, Finland, ian@ee.oulu.fi mailto:ian@ee.oulu.fi Antonella Molinaro, University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, Italy, antmolin@ing.unirc.it mailto:antmolin@ing.unirc.it Marcos Katz, SAMSUNG, Korea, marcos.katz@samsung.com mailto:marcos.katz@samsung.com Christian Bettstetter, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany, bettstetter@docomolab-euro.com mailto:bettstetter@docomolab-euro.com