"M. Can Vuran" mcvuran@cse.unl.edu schrieb:
*** Submission Deadline Extended to June 10th, 2012 ***
[Apologies in advance, if you receive multiple copies]
International Workshop on Practical Issues and Applications in Next Generation Wireless Networks (PINGEN)
in conjunction with ACM MOBICOM 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26, 2012
Scope: In recent years, there is growing demand for data traffic on next generation wireless networks due to the proliferation of data hungry applications (e.g. streaming video, interactive traffic flows, etc) and emergence of smart terminal devices and their applications, such as smart grids, mobile cloud services, advanced healthcare systems, intelligent transportation systems. On the other hand, need for ubiquitous computing and high mobility support also become evident as users are more and more asking for “any-time any-where” connectivity. Hence, an important challenge for telecom vendors and operators is devising and deploying cost-effective yet high capacity infrastructures, which support also large coverage and high mobility. Such a challenge puts forward an ever enlarging set of problems, both on intra-technology as well as inter-technology domains, putting integration challenges also in the picture. This workshop focuses on design and deployment issues of next generation wireless infrastructures, potentially made up of heterogeneous access technologies, supporting a wide range of applications and user needs in a coherent and unified manner. This workshop will bring together people from different research areas, and provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and application developers both from industry and academia in all aspects of next generation wireless networks.
Subjects of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Heterogeneous network (HetNets) deployment strategies - Business models, network management and offloading strategies for user-deployed infrastructure - Distributed algorithms and protocols for policy control in heterogeneous communication technologies - Energy-efficient network architectures and protocols, resource management techniques - System Architectures and Applications for Smart Grid - Smart Grid Communication Networks and System Simulators - Experiences from real-world wireless network deployment, test-bed and field trials - Innovative mobile application frameworks for seamless integration - Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications and technologies in heterogeneous networks - Coverage and capacity issues in future wireless cellular networks - Mobile cloud service models for high mobility - Data mining and large-scale mobile data management techniques in facilitating heterogeneous access - QoS (Quality-of-Service), scalability and reliability issues in heterogeneous networks - Unified security, trust and privacy issues
For submission instructions please visit workshop site at http://avealabs.com/pingen2012
Important dates:
- Paper Submission Deadline: June 10th, 2012 - Notification of Acceptance: June 18th, 2012 - Camera Ready Paper and Registration Due: July 2nd, 2012
Workshop Chairs: Dr. Salih Ergüt (AveaLabs) (salih.ergut@avea.com.tr) Prof. Raghupathy Sivakumar (Georgia Institute of Technology) (siva@ece.gatech.edu)
Program Chairs: Dr. Çagri Güngör (Bahçesehir University) (cagri.gungor@bahcesehir.edu.tr) Dr. Zhu Han (University of Houston) (zhan2@mail.uh.edu) Dr. Zafer Sahinoglu (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) (zafer@merl.com) Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad (Texas Tech University) (hamed.mohsenian-rad@ttu.edu)
Publicity Chair: Dr. Can Vuran (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) (mcvuran@cse.unl.edu)