-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACM TOCHI Call for Papers: Special Issue on Human-Building Interaction Datum: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 13:00:00 -0400 (EDT) Von: Ken Hinckley pubs@acm.org An: wolf@IBR.CS.TU-BS.DE
Call For Papers http://www.acm.org/ *CALL FOR PAPERS*
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) /Special Issue on Human-Building Interaction/
Guest Editors *Hamed Alavi*, University of Fribourg and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) *Elizabeth Churchill*, Google, Mountain View *Mikael Wiberg*, Umea University *Denis Lalanne*, University of Fribourg *Peter Dalsgaard*, Aarhus University *Ava Fatah gen Schieck*, UCL, Bartlett School of Architecture *Yvonne Rodgers*, University College London & TOCHI Editorial Board
*Information for Contributors*
Built environments increasingly incorporate interactivity and context-aware automation. Human-Building Interaction (HBI), as an emerging research field, seeks to develop an HCI lens to the vision of our interactive experiences with built environments. A special issue of TOCHI on Human-Building Interaction invites research contributions that examine the engagement of HCI in the evolution of buildings and urban spaces.
In particular, we solicit articles that pursue the new coordinates that HCI should take into account when shifting attention and scale from "artefact" to "environment." For example, the investigations on the occupant comfort across multiple dimensions (e.g., thermal, visual, acoustic, respiratory), the discussions of the interplay between user agency and building automation, the reflections on the immersive and durable user experience design, and so forth.
We seek contributions that address these and similar topics that embody the complexity of human's individual and collective experiences with and within the built environment. The invited topics include technological innovations, ethnographic studies, as well as conceptual and framing contributions.
Between the lofty and mundane discourses of interactive architecture and connected products lies considerable space for grounded research and reflective discussion.
This special issue invites attempts to capture, share, and expand what is already known, what is contested, and what are opportunities for a common scientific grounding for prospective dialogues and discourses in the area of Human-Building Interaction. It will serve both as a unifying stage for the existing voices that are centrally and peripherally working on HBI, and a platform for the research area to move forward.
*The HBI special issue is interested in questions including (but not limited to) the following:*
* How can HBI designers reconcile the complexity of human decisions with the efficiency that the automation systems promise? What services do we expect the building to provide seamlessly, and where do we want to retain the manipulation control, and through what interaction modalities? * What are the UX design challenges in creating buildings that can adapt to their occupants' contextualized needs and preferences? * Surveillance is increasingly common to provide security. How does the need for surveillance interplay with the privacy concerns which are especially elevated in inhabited environments? * What can we learn from the comfort literature in the scholarly domain of architecture, and how can an HCI perspective complement and (possibly) correct the current comfort discourses? * In what ways can built environments support and take advantage of social and cultural diversity? * Are architecture and interaction design methods and processes compatible? Concretely, how can a team of interaction designers bring their tools to an architectural project?
*Submission Information*
All contributions will be rigorously peer reviewed to the usual exacting standards of TOCHI. Further information, including TOCHI submission procedures and advice on formatting and preparing manuscripts, can be found at: *http://tochi.acm.org/authors* https://orange.hosting.lsoft.com/trk/click?ref=znwrbbrs9_6-16171x312a19x039695&. Manuscripts must be submitted via the ACM online manuscript system to: *http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tochi* https://orange.hosting.lsoft.com/trk/click?ref=znwrbbrs9_6-16171x312a1ax039695&.
*Important Dates*
* Pre-Submission Abstract Due: *Dec 8, 2017* (email to *HBI-TOCHI@unifr.ch* mailto:HBI-TOCHI@unifr.ch) * Full Manuscript Submission deadline: *Jan 12, 2018* (submit via *http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tochi*) * First-round Author Notifications: *April 15, 2018* * First-round Revisions due: *June 15, 2018* * Second-round (final) Author Notifications: *Sept 1, 2018* * Final Revisions Due: *Oct 10, 2018* * Publication Date: *February 2019*
Please direct inquiries regarding the special issue to *HBI-TOCHI@unifr.ch* mailto:HBI-TOCHI@unifr.ch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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