-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] MobiCom 2013: Announcing the First MobiCom Mobile App Competition Datum: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 11:29:50 +0800 Von: Pei Zhang peizhang@CMU.EDU An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
Dear Colleagues, MobiCom is introducing the Mobile App competition this year. Please read the details bellow and notice the first deadline is July 26th
Apologies for the multiple posting
*Announcing the First MobiCom Mobile App Competition. *
MobiCom 2013 is pleased to organize the first Mobile App competition in conjunction with the main conference. The competition is for novel and innovative mobile applications utilizing any computing architecture (stand-alone, client/server, client/proxy/server, peer-to-peer/ad-hoc, cloud/mobile, others). It is intended as a platform-neutral Contest. Applications can be developed for, but not limited to, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry OS 10 and HTML5.
The competition consists of three phases. First you submit your app idea, and if invited to proceed, you submit your app for evaluation and selection as Finalists. Only Finalists advance to enter the third and last phase of selecting the three top winners. More details about the requirements and rules for the three phases of this competition should be carefully read in the*competition rules document. http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2013/AppCompetitionv2_2.pdf*
All applications must be demonstrated on real devices. Network services that are part of the application should also be real services embodying no mock-up components.
Finalists are required to register and attend the conference in order to be considered by the jury for first, second and third place winners. Given the tight timeline of this competition, an exception will be granted in which late registration of entrants will be charged at early registration rates if needed.
For any further information, email: mobicom2013appoutlook.com http://outlook.com/ with subject line "Inquiry"
*Important Dates: * - App idea submission deadline: July 26, 2013 - Developed app submission deadline: September 6, 2013
------------------------------ Pei Zhang Associate Research Professor Cylab & ECE & INI & SV Carnegie Mellon University http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~peizhang/