-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: Trusted Internet Workshop (TIW03) (reminder) Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 01:04:21 -0500 From: Surendar Chandra surendar@sys.cse.ND.EDU Reply-To: surendar@nd.edu To: Lars.Wolf@KOM.tu-darmstadt.de
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers. Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
Second International Trusted Internet Workshop
TIW 2003
Held in conjunction with Intl. Conference on High-Performance Computing 2003 December 17, 2003 Hyderabad, INDIA
http://www.ee.iastate.edu/~gmani/tiw-2003 http://www.hipc.org
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2003
For more information, please contact: Prof. Manimaran (gmani@iastate.edu) and Prof. Sivalingam (krishna@umbc.edu) ==============================++===========================================
In recent years, there has been a tremendous push from both civil and military communities for next generation applications demanding Quality of Service (QoS), reliability, and security guarantees. The goal of Trusted Internet workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their work and exchange ideas in the areas of Internet QoS, Internet Reliability, and Internet Security. To achieve this goal, this workshop solicits original, previously unpublished research contributions on (but not restricted to) the following subject categories of Trusted Internet:
-- Internet QoS & VPN Design -- Content Distribution Networks -- Media Servers and Web Caching -- MPLS Networks & IP over WDM -- Denial of Service (DoS) & IP Traceback -- QoS/FT/Secure Routing and Multicasting -- QoS/FT/Security in Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks
All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should prepare a PostScript or Portable Document Format (PDF) version of their paper. No other format will be accepted.
By the submission deadline, please do the following:
A. Send an Email with the title, authors and abstract to:
Prof. Manimaran (gmani@iastate.edu) and Prof. Sivalingam (krishna@umbc.edu)
B. Send the Final PDF/PS file by email to Prof. Krishna Sivalingam at krishna@umbc.edu
Papers must meet the following restrictions:
- The paper must be original material that has not been previously published nor is currently under review by another conference or journal.
- Papers should be no longer than *8 pages* (two column is acceptable), in font no smaller than 10 points.
These page limits include *all* material, i.e., figures, bibliography, etc.
- The paper should fit properly on US Letter-sized paper (8.5x11 inches)
- PostScript version 2 or later, or Portable Document Format (PDF)
- Use only Computer Modern or standard Adobe printer fonts (i.e., Courier, Times, Roman, or Helvetica)
- Other fonts may be used, but must be included in the PostScript/PDF file
- The paper must be formatted for b/w printers and not color printers.
All contributions will be refereed by the Program Committee. Each accepted paper must be presented at the workshop. Accepted papers will be available as part of the proceedings, at the workshop.
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------
* Submissions due: August 15, 2003 * Notification of acceptance: Sept. 15, 2003 * Final manuscript due: Sept. 30, 2003 * Workshop date: December 17, 2003
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE --------------------
GENERAL CO-CHAIRS -----------------
G. Manimaran Assistant Professor Dept. of ECpE Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011, USA Phone: 515 294 9175 Fax: 515 294 8432 Email: gmani@iastate.edu
C. Siva Ram Murthy Professor Department of Computer Science IIT Chennai (formerly Madras) Chennai - 600 036, INDIA Email: murthy@iitm.ac.in
TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR -----------------------
Krishna Sivalingam Associate Professor Department of CSEE 1000 Hilltop Circle University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore, MD 21250 Email: krishna@cs.umbc.edu Phone: 1-410-455-3961 Fax: 1-410-455-3969
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE --------------------------- Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, UTC, France Albert Banchs, NEC Europe, Germany Arul Sironmoney, Anna University, India Byrav Ramamurthy, University of Nebraska, USA Mohan Gurusamy, NUS, Singapore Padma Mundur, UMBC, USA Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis, USA Sudebkumar Prasant Pal, IIT Kharagpur, India Surendar Chandra, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA Suresh Subramaniam, George Washington University, USA
PUBLICITY CHAIR ---------------
Surendar Chandra, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA ======================================================================