-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: VEC-IEVC 2013 Deadline Approaching Datum: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:13:04 -0400 Von: IEEE Vechicular Technology Societyrckeele@ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
*VEC-IEVC 2013 Author Deadline Approaching!*
*Paper Submission Site: **http://vec-ievc2013.trackchair.com http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371318&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://vec-ievc2013.trackchair.com/**/*
For more details, see the full Call for Papers below.
Santa Clara Convention Center
Silicon Valley, California, USA
23 – 25 October 2013
Santa Clara , California is at the heart of Silicon Valley – the nexus of many of the world’s technological developments. This hotspot of engineering powerhouses and start-up’s, located in a year-round comfortable and moderate climate, is an ideal venue for IEEE VEC/IEVC 2013. With museums, golf courses, local wineries, venues for shopping, and restaurants aplenty, this wonderful conference location has something for everyone including its own amusement park, California’s Great America.
Considering its rich innovative legacy, Santa Clara symbolizes the synergetic effects of silicon, computing and mobility in hosting the unique pairing of IEEE's VEC and IEVC for an event concentrating on the electrification of the transportation world. The goal of VEC/IEVC 2013 is to stimulate dialogue among the leading innovators of global transportation electrification. This event is a must for electrical vehicle designers, component and infrastructure system developers, manufacturers, utility experts, corporate executives, technical analysts, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, legislators, regulators and standardization experts interested in advancing their knowledge in vehicular electronics and vehicle electrification. Thus, the technical program committee invites the submission of original, unpublished technical papers, tutorials and workshops falling within the scope of any of the following topics and focus areas:
* Intelligent Vehicle Communication and Networks * Embedded Systems for EV Applications * Safety and Security System Electronics * Non-Traction Motor Drives * Smart Sensors and Actuators with Embedded DSP * High Temperature EV Electronics * Low Cost Controller Technology * Power Conservative Vehicular Devices * Highly Integrated Vehicular Electronics * Vehicle Electronics Technology Roadmap * Vehicle Controller Network and Architecture * Software Configurable Vehicles * Advances in EV Energy Storage * Mechanical/Electrical Interfaces of EVs * Power Grid Connectivity and Energy Management for EVs * System Architectures for Autonomous Driving * Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication * Simulation of Vehicular Electronics Systems * Advances in User to Vehicle Interaction and Display Technology Concepts * Connected Vehicle Standardization Roadmap
* Power train electrification * Energy storage solutions * Autonomous and semi-autonomous driving and related safety aspects * Intelligent Networks (V2V, V2I) * Adaptive user interface concepts for the connected vehicle * Conversion of embedded systems and cloud based systems * Standards development for the connected and electrified vehicle * EV charging solutions (e.g. wireless charging)
* Initial Paper Submission (Extended): 25 June * Notification of Acceptance: 15 July * Final Paper Submission: 12 August
Prospective authors are invited to submit regular papers (IEEE standard format, double column, 10-point font, 3 pages minimum, 5 pages maximum with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge) for presentation at the conference and publication in the Proceedings.
*The IEEE templates in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format can be found at:*
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371319&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
*Paper submission at:* http://vec-ievc2013.trackchair.com/ http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371320&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://vec-ievc2013.trackchair.com/
All submissions should be written in English, must be electronically submitted in PDF format, and will be peer-reviewed. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the VEC-IEVC 2013 Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as major indexing services.
*For more information visit www.vec-ievc.org http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371321&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://vec-ievc.org*
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) <http://www.vtsociety.org/ http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371322&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://www.vtsociety.org/>.
IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA <http://www.ieee.org/ http://www.mmsend2.com/link.cfm?r=661445230&sid=25371323&m=2742482&u=IEEE_VTS&j=14322074&s=http://www.ieee.org/>