-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] Extremecom 2016 - The Mendonoma Expedition - Call for Papers and Demos Datum: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 14:44:51 +0800 Von: CHATZOPOULOS Dimitrios dcab@CSE.UST.HK An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
7th Extreme Conference on Communication and Computing - The Mendonoma Expedition ExtremeCom 2016
14-19 August 2016, Manchester, Medocino county, CA, USA
Scope -----
The Extreme Conference on Communication and Computing (ExtremeCom) brings together researchers and practitioners in areas related to communications in rural, remote or other extreme environments, and computing in extreme operating conditions such as extreme temperatures and energy constraints, extreme quantities ("big data"), extremely large-scale systems, and extreme levels of threat and uncertainty, in order to gain experience and insight into the challenges that such environments pose for the network and the users.
We welcome a broad range of topics concerning both technical and economical aspects, for example wireless communication, mobile computing, low power devices and protocols, delay tolerant networks and other networking paradigms, distributed computing paradigms, big data, distributed systems, cloud computing, business and services models, user experiences and web applications. Researches addressing computing challenges in general mobile environments (even not completely extreme) are also welcomed by the conference.
Following on from the success of ExtremeCom 2009 - The Midnight Sun Expedition in Laponia, Sweden, ExtremeCom 2010 - The Himalayan Expedition in Dharamsala, India, ExtremeCom 2011 - The Amazon Expedition in Manaus, Brazil, ExtremeCom 2012 - The Swiss Alps Winter Expedition in Zurich, Switzerland, ExtremeCom 2013 - The Volcanic Expedition in the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano region in Iceland, and ExtremeCom 2014 - The Galapagos Expedition in Ecuador, we present the ExtremeCom 2016 edition: The Mendonoma Expedition. The conference will contain 3 days of excursions in the stunning nature of coastal northern California (Mendocino county). Along the way, participants will get to see and experience the varying landscape and visit coastal areas, explore the Stornetta lands national monument, and hike to the Point Arena hot springs along the Garcia river. During these excursions, we will visit the landing site of the original trans-pacific coaxial cables, which is today one of North-America's most important transoceanic fiber landing station, as well as several deployment sites of the FurtherReach.Net rural network where participants will interact with subscribers, operators and developers of this service to learn from their experience. The immersion will not only give a better idea of both the technical and user requirements of such rural deployments, but it will also give many opportunities for informal research discussions between the participants. Participants that have their own software for scenarios like this will also, to as great an extent as possible, be encouraged to test and demonstrate it within this environment. After the excursions, there will be two days of paper presentations and demos. Focus will still be on informal research discussions, with the hope that the field experience will give participants the ability to discuss the topics in a new light.
Important dates ---------------
Submission deadline: May 24, 2016 Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2016 Early registration deadline: July 10, 2016 Registration deadline: July 21, 2016 Conference dates: August 14-19, 2016
Submission Guidelines ---------------------
Participants should submit 6 page papers about ideas and visions about the topics of the conference or demo proposals to be shown during the conference. Visionary and thought-provoking papers that are likely to generate much discussion during the conference are especially solicited. The aim of the conference is to maintain an informal environment, where new research ideas can be discussed and developed. We will also have a demo session where participants can show their implementations and systems. If you want to show a demo, please submit a 2 page demo proposal using the same submission system as for conference papers, including the prefix "Demo: " in the title.
We only accept PDF files, no greater than 6 pages in length (2 pages for the demos), including text, figures and references. Manuscripts should use the ACM templates (for LaTeX, please use Option 2 files), with 9pt fonts.
Topics for the conference include, but are not limited to: ----------------------------------------------------------
* Testbeds for large-scale sustainable testing of mobile communication systems * Real deployments of networks in extreme environments * Business and service models for networks in rural, remote, and other challenging environments * Delay tolerant networking * User experience research * Big data research such as mining and modeling of mobility and social network * Cloud computing for extreme scalability * Mesh networks and sensor networks * Low-power and intermittent-power protocols * Mechanisms for emergency and urgent communications * Distributed computing for mobile environments * Networked applications and services * Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing and networking * Security, privacy, and trustworthiness of extreme communications * Underwater networking * Robotic communications and mobile augmented reality * Protocols, architectures, and applications for the Internet of Things
Due to logistics, the number of participants will be limited. Priority will be given to authors of papers and those who register first.
****************************************************************** Organizers ******************************************************************
General co-chairs: ------------------ Pan Hui, HKUST, Hong Kong Anders Lindgren, SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden
Local organization: ------------------- Yahel Ben-David, De Novo Group, USA Gary Levenson-Palmer, USA
Publicity and publication chair: -------------------------------- Dimitris Chatzopoulos, HKUST, Hong Kong Yang Chen, Fudan university, Shanghai, China
Web chair: ---------- Dimitris Chatzopoulos, HKUST, Hong Kong
Technical Program Committee: ---------------------------- Scott Burleigh, JPL/NASA, USA Elwyn Davies, Folly Consulting, UK Michael Doering, Bosch Research, Germany Marco Fiore, CNR, Italy Alfredo Goldman, University of California Irvine, USA Christine Julien, University of Texas at Austin, USA James Kwok, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Jörg Ott, TU Munich, Germany Zhonghong Ou, Aalto University, Finland Veljko Pejovic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Arjuna Sathiaseelan, University of Cambridge, UK Jan Seedorf, NEC Labs, Germany Yu Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Klaus Wehrle, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Steering Committee: ------------------- Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK Avri Doria, USA Tristan Henderson, University of St. Andrews, UK Pan Hui, HKUST, Hong Kong Anders Lindgren, SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden
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