-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] DEADLINE Extension: IEEE GC'15 Wi-UAV Workshop on Wireless Networking, Control and Positioning for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles Datum: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 16:00:52 +0000 Von: Henk Wymeersch henkw@CHALMERS.SE Antwort an: Henk Wymeersch henkw@CHALMERS.SE An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
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Wi-UAV 2015 *** DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JULY 15,2015 ****
6th Int. IEEE Workshop on Wireless Networking, Control and Positioning for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 WORKSHOP LOCATION: San Diego, California, USA WORKSHOP DATE: DECEMBER 6 or 10, 2015 PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: ** JULY 15, 2015 (via EDAS) ** EXTENDED FIRM DEADLINE ** WEBSITE: www.wi-uav.org EDAS submission link: https://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=20647
The workshop is the interdisciplinary platform to bring together robotics, control, positioning, and wireless communications. You are kindly invited to submit your research paper to this workshop and discuss current innovative technological advances in the general area of networking, control, and positioning solutions for autonomous systems.
Aims and Scope: Unmanned autonomous systems are increasingly used in a large number of contexts to support humans in dangerous and difficult-to-reach environments. In order to fulfill particularly challenging tasks, next-generation cellular networks will enable cooperation of a broad range of mobile devices, including autonomous or human-controlled devices with varying capabilities to communicate and interact with other devices. Visionary scenarios foresee unmanned vehicles to be organized in networked teams and even swarms. This vision can be applied to a wide range of applications, e.g., autonomous driving including platooning and traffic control, exploration for search-and-rescue missions, and factory automation. The communication subsystem needs to provide highly reliable and delay-tolerant control links as well as data links. Unmanned vehicles also offer the capability to form ad-hoc wireless networks, for example to facilitate temporary hot spots and compensate network outages in case! of public events and emergencies. The navigation sub-system musts provide relative positioning information with sub-meter accuracy and very low latency (~1 ms). The steering and control unit needs to be tightly coupled with the communications and navigation subsystem to ensure proper decisions even with imperfect local information. The focus of the workshop will be solely on projects and research aiming at civilian applications.
This sixth edition of the workshop aims to cover the most recent results of various international research projects on new communications networks enabling the efficient control and context-awareness of teams of unmanned vehicles/systems operating on the ground, in the air, underwater, and in space scenarios
Topics: - Communication architectures and protocols for un- manned autonomous vehicles - Ad-hoc networking, routing, handover and meshing - Cooperation of ground, aerial and maritime unmanned vehicles - Localization, navigation, and path planning - Agent based mobility, multi-platform control, cognitive capabilities, and swarming - Cooperative network navigation - 5G communication for autonomous vehicles - Multi-agent control and optimization - Passive localization - Human-machine interaction - Compressive and cooperative sensing and navigation - Big data and machine learning for autonomous vehicles - Results from prototypes, test-beds and demonstrations
Key Note: The Wi-UAV has a tradition of distinguished key note speakers (see www.wi-uav-org). The key note speaker for 2015 will be announced soon.
Submission Guidelines and Publication: GLOBECOM workshops accept only original, previously unpublished papers. Concurrent submission to GLOBECOM and other conferences or journals is not allowed. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers in IEEE conference style up to 6 pages through EDAS submission system (https://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=20647), but one additional page is allowed with additional publication fee.
Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE digital library (IEEE Xplore). An accepted paper must be registered before the registration deadline. An accepted paper should be presented at the workshop. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the workshop proceedings and the program. GLOBECOM will remove an accepted and registered but not presented paper from the IEEE digital library.
Important Dates: Submission due: **July 15, 2015** (extended, firm deadline) Decision notification due: September 01, 2015 Camera-ready and registration due: October 01, 2015
Organizing Chairs: Jonathan How, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Yasamin Mostofi, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Ronald Raulefs, DLR, Germany Dirk Slock, EURECOM, France Christian Wietfeld, TU Dortmund University, Germany Henk Wymeersch, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/