-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACM BuildSys 2021 - Nov. 17-18 - Coimbra, Portugal - Call for Papers Datum: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 12:21:23 -0500 Von: Stephen Xia sx2194@columbia.edu An: Stephen Xia stephen.xia@columbia.edu Kopie (CC): Clayton Miller clayton@nus.edu.sg
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the attached Call for Papers for ACM BuildSys 2021. We enthusiastically look forward to your submissions on advancements in systems for any aspect of the built environment. Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email.
The 8th ACM International Conference on Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2021)will be held November 17-18, 2021 at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
BuildSys 2021 Website: http://buildsys.acm.org/2021 http://buildsys.acm.org/2021
Please consider subscribing to our mailing list http://eepurl.com/hwla1Dto get all the latest updates about BuildSys 2021!
Important Dates
Abstract Registration**: July 09, 2021, AOE.
Paper Submission: July 16, 2021, AOE.
Paper Notification: September 10, 2021, AOE.
Camera Ready Submission: October 01, 2021, AOE.
** For the abstract registration, you only need to enter the title of the paper, the list of authors and their email addresses, the PC conflicts, and a brief abstract (~150-250 words). After registering the paper's abstract, you will have one additional week to upload the PDF file of the paper (either a 10-page Full paper or a 4-page Notes paper).
Paper Types
We solicit two types of original submissions:
Regular papers for oral presentation (10 pages)
Notes papers for oral presentation (4 pages)
Notes papers are 4-page papers intended to discuss preliminary research results, advocate new research directions, describe public software or datasets, or present short projects that do not warrant a 10-page paper. Notes papers serve, in part, to encourage younger researchers and research teams entering this field of research to share their work. We also encourage Notes paper submissions from industry participants that may not be able to devote resources to a full paper. While Notes papers are not expected to have extensive evaluations, they will be reviewed based on the novelty of their ideas, potential for impact, and quality of presentation.
Scope of Conference
BuildSys is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners working to develop and optimize smart infrastructure systems that are driven by sophisticated sensing, computing, data analysis, operational analytics, and control functions. We invite original contributions in all emerging domains that leverage information-driven systems to further move the built environment toward smarter operations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Applications in smart and connected communities;
Sensing and control for urban infrastructure systems;
Novel sensor methodologies, techniques, and tools;
Sensing and control of electrical, gas, and water loads;
Improved user interfaces to built infrastructure;
Modeling, simulation, optimization, and control of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, water usage and other resource flows in built environments;
Sensor systems and applications that enhance energy efficiency, energy reliability, durability and comfort;
Systems that integrate infrastructure with the smart grid to offer demand response and ancillary services;
Distributed generation, alternative energy, renewable sources, and energy storage in buildings;
Emerging standards for data collection, energy control, or interoperability of disparate devices or systems;
Sensing, modeling, and predicting the urban heartbeat including sounds, movements, and radio spectrum;
Human in the loop sensing and control for efficient usage of electricity, gas, heating, water;
Sensor systems for reliable occupancy counting;
Long-lived and energy harvesting sensor systems;
Scalable indoor localization and contextual computing;
Security, privacy, safety, and reliability in built systems;
Empirical studies of city-scale wireless communications;
Environmental Sensing;
Vehicle technologies and Traffic;
This year, we are in particularly interested in smart building, city technologies and initiatives in developing countries;
COVID impact and response in smart infrastructure.
Stephen Xia and Clayton Miller
BuildSys 2021 Publicity Chairs