-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE INFOCOM 2021: Call for Demos and Posters (Extended deadline: 1/22/2021) Datum: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 04:47:02 +0000 Von: Zeng, Huacheng hzeng@MSU.EDU Antwort an: Zeng, Huacheng hzeng@MSU.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
IEEE INFOCOM 2021: Call for Demos and Posters https://infocom2021.ieee-infocom.org/authors/call-demos-and-posters
Technical demonstrations and posters showing/presenting innovative and original research are solicited. In general IEEE INFOCOM is interested in demonstrations and posters of technology that validate important research issues or showcase realistic applications in the following topics of interest (but not limited to):
* Big data and data processing for networks
* Cellular networks
* Cloud computing
* Cognitive radio networks
* Cooperative networking
* Cross-layer optimization and control
* Crowdsourcing
* Cyber-physical systems
* Datacenter networking
* Delay tolerant networks
* Energy efficiency
* Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability
* Flow and congestion control
* Game theory in networks
* Information security and privacy
* Information centric networking
* Interference management and mitigation
* Internet of Things
* Localization and location-based services
* Medium access control
* MIMO-based networking
* Mobile cloud computing
* Mobility management and models
* Multimedia networking
* Network calculus
* Network coding
* Network economics and pricing
* Network management
* Network measurement and analysis
* Network security and privacy
* Network virtualization
* Optical networks
* Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
* Quality of Service and resource management
* Router and switch design
* Routing & Multicast
* Scaling laws and fundamental limits
* Scheduling and buffer management
* Smart antenna based networking
* Smart grid
* Smartphone and mobile applications
* Social computing and networks
* Software defined networking
* Tactile Internet
* Vehicular networks
* Web applications and content distribution
* Wireless security and privacy
* Wireless sensor networks
Poster submissions should be made via EDAS using this link: https://edas.info/N28002 Demo submissions should be made via EDAS using this link: https://edas.info/N28001
IMPORTANT DATES Two-page demo (or poster) descriptions/proposal: 11:59 pm (EST), January 22th, 2021 Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2021 IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Conference dates: May 10-13, 2021 IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Demo/Posters Session Dates: to be announced
IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Demo/Poster Co-Chairs: Linke Guo (Clemson University, USA) - linkeg@clemson.edumailto:linkeg@clemson.edu Bo Ji (Virginia Tech, USA) - boji@vt.edumailto:boji@vt.edu
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/