May 1, 2008 is the submission due date for papers on aspects of "Pervasive User-Generated Content", a special issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. We are looking for papers that discuss the collection, processing, presentation, and evaluation of data collected by regular users with pervasive technology. Example topics include:
o Networked data-gathering from large populations o Data mining and machine learning from distributed sources o Tracking multitudes of everyday objects o Mashups and overlays of user data with other artifacts such as maps o Contributions from mobile users o Aggregating and filtering pervasive ratings and reviews o Users as computing platforms and intelligent data sources o Games and other schemes for gathering data from large populations o Persuading individuals to contribute o Usability aspects for efficient data contribution o Visualizing user contributions o Applications and displays of pervasively generated content o Techniques for determining authenticity of contributed data o Evaluations of pervasively generated content
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and the issue's editors will decide which ones are published.
Detailed call for papers:
PDF version:
IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine:
Guest Editors John Krumm, Microsoft Research Chandra Narayanaswami, IBM Research Nigel Davies, Lancaster University