-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] IPCCC 2004 Workshops CFP Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 14:28:29 -0500 (EST) From: Teresa A Dahlberg tdahlber@uncc.edu To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
**** IPCCC 2004 Call for WORKSHOP Paper Submissions ****
Workshops to be held in conjunction with the 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) April 14-17, 2004 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
A number of workshops will be held in conjunction with The International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2004) http://www.ipccc.org/. The IPCCC is the premier IEEE conference presenting research in the performance of computer and communication systems. For the last two decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for academic, industrial, and government researchers. The lively interactions among the researchers from these merging new fields provide a stimulating environment rich with new ideas.
The workshops are aimed towards facilitating interaction among researchers in key areas related to the performance of computing and communications systems.
We encourage submission of high-quality papers that report original work in both theoretical and experimental research areas.
Workshop papers should be sent on or before December 6 to the individual workshop organizers. Details are found on the following workshop home pages:
** EESD 2004: Workshop on End-to-End Service Differentiation http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/eesd04
** IWMP 2004: International Workshop on Middleware Performance http://www.ida.liu.se/~diasz/IPCCC04Workshop
** WIA 2004: Workshop on Information Assurance http://www.tele.pitt.edu/~sais/wia04
** EWCN 2004: Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications and Networks http://www.cs.queensu.ca/home/safwat/EWCN/
** MWN 2004: Workshop on Multihop Wireless Networks http://www.ece.uncc.edu/~anasipur/MWN/index.html
Workshop attendance is included in the IPCCC 2004 registration.
All accepted workshop papers will be published in the IPCCC conference proceedings, conditional upon the author's advance registration. Note that one full (non-student) registration fee must be paid for each paper published in the proceedings.
Important Dates:
Workshop papers due: December 6, 2003 Notification of acceptance of workshop papers: December 29, 2003 Camera-ready manuscripts and registrations due: January 26, 2004
Teresa Dahlberg IPCCC Workshops Chair
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@cs.columbia.edu http://lists.cs.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccc