-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Fw: ECUMN'2004- Call for Papers Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 11:24:53 -0000 From: Fernando Velez fjv@ubi.pt To: Yevgeni Koucheryavy yk@cs.tut.fi, Mascolo Saverio mascolo@poliba.it, Rosello Placido P.Rossello@quinary.com, Pavlou George g.pavlou@eim.surrey.ac.uk, Lorenz Pascal lorenz@ieee.org, van den Berg Hans j.l.vandenberg@telecom.tno.nl, Emstad Peder peder@Q2S.ntnu.no, Kofman Daniel Daniel.Kofman@enst.fr, Litjens Remco R.Litjens@telecom.tno.nl, van As Harmen Harmen.R.van-As@tuwien.ac.at, Dobrota Virgil Virgil.Dobrota@com.utcluj.ro, Kuehn Paul kuehn@ind.uni-stuttgart.de, Al-Begain Khalid kbegain@glam.ac.uk, Braun Torsten braun@iam.unibe.ch, Miloucheva Ilka ilka.miloucheva@salzburgresearch.at, Klimo Martin martin@frkis.fri.utc.sk, Wolisz Adam wolisz@ee.tu-berlin.de, Barcelo Francisco barcelo@mat.upc.es, Kanduz Gorazd gorazd.kandus@ijs.si, Chrysostomou Chrysostomos cchrys@ucy.ac.cy, Wolf Lars wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de, Blondia Chris blondia@uia.ua.ac.be, Tsaoussidis Vassilis vtsaousi@ee.duth.gr, Alvarez-Campana Manuel mac@dit.upm.es, Tran-Gia Phuoc trangia@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de, Carle Georg carle@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de, Demeester Piet piet.demeester@intec.UGent.be, De Meer Hermann demeer@fmi.uni-passau.de, Bellalta Boris boris.bellalta@tecn.upf.es, Moermann Ingrid ingrid.moerman@intec.UGent.be, Siris Vassilios vsiris@ics.forth.gr, Kihl Maria Maria.Kihl@telecom.lth.se, Rozic Nikola rozic@fesb.hr, Dhoedt Bart bart.dhoedt@intec.UGent.be, Cutherbert Laurie laurie.cuthbert@elec.qmul.ac.uk, Monteiro Edmundo edmundo@dei.uc.pt, Begusic Dinko begusic@fesb.hr, Giambene Giovanni giambene@unisi.it, Ganchev Ivan Ivan.Ganchev@ul.ie, Ó Droma Máirtín mairtin.odroma@ul.ie, Pitsillides Andreas Andreas.Pitsillides@ucy.ac.cy, Crowcroft Jon Jon.Crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk, Staehle Dirk staehle@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de, Goldewski Philippe godlewski@enst.fr
*3rd European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks* *(ECUMN '04)*
*October 25-27, 2004 - Porto, Portugal*
*URL: **http://www.co.it.pt/ecumn04.html* **
The European Conference on* *Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN) was born in Colmar, France under the sponsorship of SEE (Société de l'Electricité, de l'Electronique, et des Technologies de l'Information). After the first two successful venues in Colmar in 2000 and in 2002, the 3rd European Conference on* *Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN '04) is moving to Portugal and will take place at Hotel D. Henrique, in Porto (Oporto) from Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 October, 2004. The conference is jointly organized by Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) and OE (Ordem dos Engenheiros), with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Portugal Section, EUREL and SEE.
The goal of the ECUMN conference is to bring together researchers from the academia and practitioners from the industry in order to address network and service convergence issues. The conference will provide a forum where the academia shall be able to present up-to-date research results and the industry describe emerging technologies and new research problems related to them.
The conference scope has been extended to deal to put specific emphasis on Service Provisioning, and Service differentiation issues. Graceful evolution of Networks, new access schemes, flexible protocols, increased variety of services, hybrid networks reliability, are some of the present and future challenges that have to be met by the various technologies that will be discussed during the conference.
A competition for the best student paper will be organized to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Evolution of Telecommunication Networks Architecture:
Next Generation Networks (NGN)
Active Networks
Optical Networks
Access Networks
Mobile Networks
Storage Area Networks
Network measurements and testbeds
- Protocols issues:
Switching and routing
Mobility management
Security and privacy
Real time and multimedia
- Service provisioning and deployment in a heterogeneous environment:
Network design and planning
Network management and control
Traffic engineering
Interfaces and Reference points
Flow control
- Service differentiation
Real time services over IP/IPv6
Pricing and real time billing
Traffic control and QoS
Service reliability, availability
Congestion and admission control
Replication system (caching, mirroring, CDNs, etc).
Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2004
Authors notification: June 15, 2004
Deadline for full-length camera ready paper: July 15, 2004
The authors should submit their original contribution as full paper, no longer than 10 pages, or as an extended abstract summarizing the original work. All the contributions must be written in English. The top of the first page of each paper must include the title of the paper, authors' names, address, telephone, e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence. Submissions must be made electronically through the paper submission page http://www.co.it.pt/ecumn04/submission.html. Acceptable formats are Postscript, Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word. Please use A4 paper format when formatting your submission.
Proceedings of ECUMN'2004 will be published by Springer-Verlag as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html series. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit full-length manuscripts, which must be structured according to the instructions of Springer-Verlag. LNCS Authors Instructions sub page is available at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
For more information please contact:
Mário Freire
Institute of Telecommunications - Covilhã Lab, Department of Informatics, University of Beira Interior, Rua Marquês d'Ávila e Bolama, P-6200-001 COVILHA, PORTUGAL
Tel.: + 351 275 319891
Fax: + 351 275 319888
E-mail: ecumn04@co.it.pt mailto:ecumn04@co.it.pt
Check our Web page at http://www.co.it.pt/ecumn04.html for the latest information concerning the conference.
*General Co-Chairs*
Prosper Chemouil (France) - France Telecom R&D
Annie Gravey (France) - Groupement des Ecoles des Télécommunications
Pascal Lorenz (France) - University of Haute Alsace
Mario Freire (Portugal)- Univ. Beira Interior/Instituto de Telecomunicações
*Steering Committee*
Prosper Chemouil (France) - France Telecom R&D
Annie Gravey (France) - Groupement des Ecoles des Télécommunications
Pascal Lorenz (France) - University of Haute Alsace
Jean-Gabriel Rémy - (France) Cegetel
Sylvie Ritzenthaler - (France) Alcatel
Pierre Rolin (France) - France Telecom R&D
*Technical Program Committee *
P. Bertin (France) - France Telecom R&D
F. Boavida (Portugal) - University of Coimbra
S. Bregni (Italy) - Politecnico Milano
P. Brown (France) - France Telecom R&D
E. Carrapatoso (Portugal) - University of Porto
P. Castelli (Italy) - Telecom Italia Labs
T. Chahed (France) - INT
J. Craveirinha (Portugal) - University of Coimbra
M. Diaz (France) - LAAS-CNRS
N. Fonseca (Brazil) - Campinas University
A. Jamalipour (Australia) - Univ. of Sydney
N. Kamiyama (Japan) - NTT
S. Karnouskos (Germany) - Fraunhofer FOKUS
L. Lancieri (France) - France Telecom R&D
M. Maknavicius-Laurent (France)- INT
Z. Mammeri (France) - University of Toulouse
E. Monteiro (Portugal) - University of Coimbra
S. Oueslati (France) - France Telecom R&D
G. Petit (Belgium) - Alcatel
M. Pioro (Poland) - Warsaw University of Technology
S. Ritzenthaler (France) - Alcatel
A. Santos (Portugal) - University of Minho
R. Valadas (Portugal) - University of Aveiro
M. Villen-Altamirano (Spain) - Telefonica I+D
J. Yan (Canada) - Nortel
*Organizing Committee*
Carlos Salema (Portugal) - IST/Ordem dos Engenheiros/Institute of Telecommunications
Luís Sá (Portugal) - Univ. Coimbra/Institute of Telecommunications
Mário Freire (Portugal) Univ. Beira Interior/Institute of Telecommunications
Henrique Silva (Portugal) - Univ. Coimbra/Institute of Telecommunications
Joel Rodrigues (Portugal) Univ. Beira Interior/Institute of Telecommunications
Fernando Perdigão (Portugal) - Univ. Coimbra/Institute of Telecommunications
Rui Rocha (Portugal) - IST/Institute of Telecommunications
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mário Marques Freire Assistant Professor Networks and Multimedia Group, Institute of Telecommunications Department of Informatics, University of Beira Interior Rua Marquês d'Ávila e Bolama 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal FAX: +351 275 319 888 Phone: + 351 275 319 891 Email: mario@di.ubi.pt mailto:mario@di.ubi.pt, mfreire@acm.org mailto:mfreire@acm.org, mfreire@ieee.org mailto:mfreire@ieee.org URL: http://www.di.ubi.pt/~mario