-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Deadlines approaching: ACM MM 2003 & MMCN 2004 Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 08:27:49 +0200 From: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO Reply-To: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO To: SIGMM-MEMBERS@ACM.ORG
Dear Colleague,
This is just a reminder about upcoming deadlines (6/23) for two ACM-related multimedia conferences. See below for the associated CFP.
- MULTIMEDIA 2003: Demos, Short Papers, Doctoral Symposium - MMCN 2004: Technical Papers
------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR Demos, Short Papers, and Doctoral Symposium
ACM Multimedia 2003 The 11th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia
November 2-8, 2003 Berkeley, CA, USA http://www.acm.org/sigmm/mm2003/
The Multimedia conference provides an international forum for researchers, developers, educators, performers and practitioners of multimedia to present and explore technological and artistic advances and innovations in the field.
Submissions are invited for:
- SHORT PAPERS/POSTERS - To present recent and on-going progress on the three main themes of the conference: - Multimedia analysis, processing, and retrieval - Multimedia networking and system support - Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications
- TECHNICAL DEMONSTRATIONS - Leading edge work and work in progress in every area of multimedia technology and its applications.
- DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM - A venue for doctoral students in computer science or related areas to present their research and receive feedback from members of the multimedia research field.
All accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings.
Again, the deadline for these submissions is June 23rd, 2002.
Please see the site at http://www.acm.org/sigmm/mm2003/ for submission instructions.
CALL FOR PAPERS MMCN 2004 MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND NETWORKING 2004 (EI22) http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mmcn2004 January 21-22, 2004 San Jose, CA, USA
Held in cooperation with ACM SIG Multimedia
MMCN 2004 will be held January 21-22, 2004, at the San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA.
Present your work at MMCN 2004 and define the future of multimedia!
The paper submission deadline is June 23, 2003. For paper submissions please check the MMCN 2004 webpage at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mmcn2004
Recent advances in telecommunication, storage and information technologies along with enhancements in consumer electronics have stimulated the development of pervasive multimedia applications. New and upcoming standards (MPEG-4, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21) facilitate the seamless integration of multiple modalities of information into truly interoperable multimedia frameworks, creating new experiences for consumers. Such powerful multimedia solutions can have significant impact across a wide spectrum of commercial, consumer, non-profit and governmental domains.
The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners contributing to all facets of multimedia computing and networking. The conference will serve as an invigorating forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, and implementations of multimedia systems, technologies, and applications. Presenters will be encouraged to make multimedia presentations and demonstrate their solutions in person.
We especially encourage papers on emerging technologies such as multimedia and QoS support for 3G and UWB networks, power-aware computing and communications, mobile and fixed wireless multimedia networks, multimedia in P2P environments, network processors, content distribution networks, home networking and digital appliances. An exclusive industrial track will feature industrial design experiences and showcase tools for next-generation multimedia systems and applications.
Papers are solicited in all areas of multimedia, including, but not limited to:
- Multimedia Computing - Multimedia and the Internet - Multimedia Networking - Measurement and Modeling - Multimedia Middleware - Case Studies and Applications
We specifically solicit submissions in new and emerging areas in the field. Please see the web page for example areas.
AWARDS will be given to the best paper and the best student paper.
PANELS will consist of discussions on timely and controversial topics.
Detailed instructions on the electronic submission process can be found on the conference web page at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mmcn2004/.
Please direct questions about paper submission to the Program Co-Chair at mmcn2004@ics.uci.edu
Paper submission deadline : June 23, 2003 Notification of acceptance : Aug 24, 2003 Camera-ready manuscripts due : Oct 27, 2003 200-word Summary to SPIE : Nov 17, 2003