-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACM Sensys 2015 Doctoral Colloquium Datum: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 14:10:35 -0400 Von: SenSys 2015 Doctoral Colloquium sensys15dc@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: SenSys 2015 Doctoral Colloquium sensys15dc@GMAIL.COM An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
SenSys 2015 Doctoral Colloquium November 1,Seoul, South Korea http://sensys.acm.org/2015/dc/
The Doctoral Colloquium (DC) of SenSys' 15 is to provide a friendly, supportive, and constructive environment where PhD students can present their research-in-progress for an open discussion guided by a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. Applicants should be far enough into their PhD to have a concrete proposal, and have initially outlined the salient issues and proposed research methodology. Applicants should not be planning to submit their PhD thesis or dissertation for at least four months after the DC, so that any advice or input may still be incorporated into the doctoral work.
The DC will be a seminar-style event, consisting of short presentations followed by round table discussion. Time will be allotted to each student not only for the presentation, but also for careful, in-depth consideration and discussion amongst the panelists and DC participants.
Topic scope is the same as that listed in the SenSys call for papers. DC submissions should consist of a single PDF document using the SenSys paper template. The document should contain the following:
[1] Research summary (3 pages) describing the work in progress and including a 100-word abstract. Things to consider for inclusion in the research summary might be: the expected contribution to the field of sensor networking; the original idea or thesis statement; the problem domain and the specific problem addressed; a brief overview of related work; the methodological approach; research carried out and results so far.
[2] Student biographical sketch, including the names and affiliations of the research advisor(s), and expected date of dissertation submission.
The submission site can be found at:
Research summaries will be reviewed by the chairs and panel members. If the work is accepted, a student may be expected to make clarifications and improvements to the research summary by the camera-ready deadline. Note that the research summaries (limited to 2-pages at camera-ready time) will be formally published as part of the SenSys proceedings and archived in the ACM digital library.
A prize for best student presentation will be awarded by the panel.
Important Dates (all at 11:59pm AOE)
Submission Deadline: August 31th, 2015 Notification of Acceptance: September 7th, 2015 Camera-Ready: September 14th, 2015 Colloquium: November 1st, 2015
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs
Nic Lane, Bell Labs -- UK Taiwoo Park, Michigan State University -- USA
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