[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call]
***************************************************************** * * * CALL FOR PARTICIPATION and * * CALL FOR POSTERS * * * * e-Energy 2010 * * 1st Int'l Conf. on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking * * http://www.e-energy-conf.org/ * * * * In cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM * * Technically co-sponsored by: IFIP TC6, Euro-NF * * * * University of Passau, Germany * * April 13-15, 2010 * * * * Early registration (reduced fee) due: 3rd of March, 2010 * * * *****************************************************************
We are pleased to announce e-Energy 2010, the First International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking and invite you to attend and to contribute to the scientific program by submitting a poster proposal.
* GENERAL INFORMATION e-Energy 2010 serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications on all energy-related topics which address the fields of servers and communication infrastructures, services in data centers, end-systems in home and office environments, sensor networks, and future networks such as the Future Internet.
* PROCEEDINGS AND PROGRAM e-Energy 2010 will feature 29 papers presenting new and visionary ideas how to make computing and networking more energy-efficient. Keynote lectures will be given by Manfred Immitzer (CIO, Nokia Siemens Networks) and Prof. Paul Kuehn (University of Stuttgart, Germany). Please visit http://www.e-energy.uni-passau.de/program/ to learn more about the conference program.
* POSTER SUBMISSIONS We solicitate poster submissions of areas of interest similar to those listed in the technical call for papers. Posters do not need to describe completed work, but they should give an overview on research, best providing also preliminary results. We especially encourage submissions of new visionary ideas. Final posters will be displayed during all breaks facilitating discussions among the conference participants and will be listed on the Web-site. We will provide a table and a board on which to tack posters.
Information about areas of interest can be found at: http://www.e-energy.uni-passau.de/call-for-papers.html
* FORMAT OF POSTER SUBMISSIONS Poster proposals should be submitted as PDF files with no more than 3 pages (ACM style; same formatting instruction as applicable for e-Energy paper submissions). The first two pages should contain an extended abstract that explains the research content of the poster. Additionally, the title, authors, institutional affiliations and email addresses of the authors should be contained on the first page. The third page should contain a draft of the poster content itself.
The final maximum poster dimensions are 30" by 40", with poster contents mounted on rectangular poster board that will be provided along with the needed mounting materials. The choice of using multiple sheets of paper or a monolithic large piece of poster paper is up to the authors.
Information about ACM stylesheets can be found at: http://www.e-energy.uni-passau.de/call-for-papers.html
* POSTER SUMBISSION PROCESS Please submit your poster proposal as a PDF e-mail attachment to
using the subject line "e-Energy Poster Submission". Any questions concerning the posters should also be directed to this address. Poster submissions will be reviewed and authors will be notified about the acceptance.
Poster Submission Deadline: March 5, 2010, 11:59pm CET Poster Notification Deadline: March 15, 2010.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Passau and receiving your poster submissions!
General Co-Chairs: Randy Katz, UC Berkeley (USA) David Hutchison, Lancaster University (UK)
TPC Co-Chairs: Hermann de Meer, Passau University (Germany) Suresh Singh, Portland State University (USA) Torsten Braun, Bern University (Switzerland)
Publicity Chair: Karin Anna Hummel, University of Vienna (Austria)