-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM Information Centric Networking (ICN) 2016 @ Kyoto: CALL FOR PAPERS, POSTERS, DEMOS, WORKSHOPS (Deadline: March 30, 2016) and TUTORIALS Datum: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 09:46:03 +0100 Von: Mayutan A. mayutan.arumaithurai@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Mayutan A. mayutan.arumaithurai@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
ACM Information Centric Networking (ICN) 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS, POSTERS, AND DEMOS, WORKSHOPS (Deadline: March 30, 2016) and TUTORIALS
Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a new networking paradigm intended to provide access to information without requiring an explicit binding of that information to a particular location. By directly addressing information, ICN supports mobile users and mobile networked devices, offers a higher-level communication service to applications, and promotes authentication and efficiency in the transmission and dissemination of information. Over the last few years, a global research and development community has grown around the idea of ICN.
ICN 2016 is the third edition of the ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, the premier international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and challenges in information centric networking. ACM ICN 2016 will be a single-track conference featuring paper and poster presentations, panel discussions, and demonstrations. In addition to the "best paper award", ACM ICN 2016 will give this year a "best demo award" (based on community judging by registered participants), as well as a "best dataset award" (for poster submissions qualifying for this category).
The Technical Program Committee of ACM ICN 2016 invites high-quality submissions describing unpublished research results in all aspects of ICN. The third edition on ACM ICN will especially welcome work that reflects the maturity of ICN field, under several angles, including for instance interoperability, architectural comparison with quantitative assessment, and critical reassessment of previous work with particular emphasis on contributions to architectural designs and reproducible experimental evaluations.
Topics of interest include: - Application programming interfaces (APIs) for ICN and their evaluation - Applications of ICN - Architecture design and evaluation - Caching - Comparison of different ICN architecture designs - Critical analysis of previous work in ICN - Deployments of ICN - Economics and business models - Evaluation methodology and metrics - Experience from implementation - Feasibility studies of ICN for high speed networking - ICN support for ad hoc, direct peer-to-peer communication - Implementation strategies for ICN - Interoperability across ICN architectures - Management in ICN - Opportunities for ICN in the developing world - Privacy - Routing in ICN - Scalability analysis of ICN - Tools, experimentation facilities, and measurement methodology for ICN - Transport issues in ICN - Trust management and access control
Submission instructions
Papers submitted for consideration must not have been already published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the consideration period. Specifically, authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.
ACM ICN 2016 invites two kind of submissions, namely Full-paper and Short-paper submissions. All submissions must be in English and in PDF format. Submissions that do not comply with these instructions will be rejected without review. Papers must be submitted electronically through the ICN 2016 submission site. Please refer to the detailed submission instructions that are reported on the ACM ICN 2016 website.
Full-papers can be up to 10 pages in length following the ACM SIGCOMM format, and should convey results of mature research. Short-papers can be up to 6 pages in length and should report on cross-disciplinary work, or less mature work not qualifying for a full submission. Papers with doctoral students as first authors are particularly encouraged. Note: Submissions exceeding the 6 pages length will be considered as full-papers.
Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for presentation at the conference. A "best paper award" will be attributed from the program committee to one among the accepted papers in each of the Full paper and Short paper tracks.
The program committee may propose that authors either 1) revise papers of special merit and resubmit them to an ICN'16 workshop for consideration, or 2) present their work with a poster accompanied by a 2-page extended abstract. Please notice that ACM ICN 2016 also have a specific call for proposals for workshops, demos, tutorials and panel sessions.
Important Dates Paper Registration Deadline (Long and Short): May 7, 2016 (hard deadline) Paper Submission Deadline (Long and Short): May 15, 2016 (hard deadline) Acceptance Notification: July 7, 2016 Camera Ready Due: August 15, 2016 Conference dates: September 26-28, 2016
The ICN poster and demo sessions are intended to showcase works-in-progress. Topics of interest are the same as those listed in the main track CFP. We strongly encourage both student and industry submissions. Both demos and posters should be accompanied by a 2 page extended abstract, which will be published in the conference proceedings. Abstract for posters, demos and datasets can be submitted via the ICN 2016 submission website.
Preparation of Posters
You are not required to submit the poster initially. Instead, you should submit a 2 page extended abstract. If the abstract is accepted, you will then be asked to prepare the poster. The abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed, (b) what makes this problem interesting, (c) your approach, and (d) the key contribution. Acceptance is based on a peer review process of all abstracts.
A poster should be of size 32 inches x 42 inches (this is between A0 and A1) in portrait mode. It should be visually appealing, portraying ideas primarily via diagrams rather than text. The poster will be displayed on easels. The organizers will supply the foam backing and a method to mount the posters to the foam backing
In particular, we call for posters that include accompanying datasets shared with the community. The aim is to collect and share datasets that can hopefully become a common ground for evaluation in the ICN community. Such posters will be eligible for a "best dataset award".
Preparation of Demos
You are required to submit a 2 page extended abstract, which describes the demo. The extended abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed and why it is important, (b) the approach taken and the design of the demo, (c) the key contribution and (d) any special technical requirements. If accepted, it is strongly recommended that a poster supporting the demo is produced.
Acceptance is based on a peer review process of all abstracts. A "best demo award" will be given this year, based on community judging by registered participants
A demo should be self contained and ideally interactive. Accepted demos will be given a table (6 feet by 30 inches), a power supply (100V TypeA) and WiFi Internet access(NAT only) by default. Details regarding poster preparation are described above.
Important Poster and Demo Dates Poster and Demo Submission Deadline: July 8, 2016 Notification of Acceptance: July 29, 2016 Camera Ready Due: August 15, 2016 Conference: September 26-28, 2016
ACM Information Centric Networking (ICN) 2016 CALL FOR TUTORIALS AND WORKSHOPS
Following last year's successful tutorials, ACM ICN 2016 solicits proposals for half- or full-day tutorials on topics relevant to the ICN research that can help the audience gain further understanding of this new and exciting area. In particular, we seek tutorials on intermediate and advanced topics of critical importance to the maturing ICN field (such as, but not limited to, applied cryptography, or technological advances for ICN, or application of ICN to specific fields such as IoT), offered through collaboration between ICN researchers and experts in other domains.
Tutorials may be lectures, hands-on training, or any combination of the above. Exploring diverse ways of interacting with the audience is welcome, as are cross-disciplinary topics. Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format, not exceeding three (3) pages in total, and be sent to the workshop/tutorial chairs.
Each proposal must include:
- A motivation for the tutorial (why this, why at ICN 2016?) - Detailed biographies of the trainers. - An outline of the tutorial content. - The type of tutorial (e.g., lecture vs. hands-on) - References to previous iterations of the tutorial (if applicable) including their date, venue, topics and number of participants and the motivation for the new proposal. - Requirements for the tutorial room. - Requirements for the attendants (e.g., must bring own laptop, familiarity with certain technologies or topics, etc.). - Any limitations (e.g., number of participants).
Important tutorial dates Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: July 8, 2016 Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2016 Conference: September 26-28, 2016
ICN has both broad application and draws from many related technical fields. Recognizing this, ICN 2016 may hold one or two workshops in conjunction with the main conference, tentatively on 26th September 2016, intended to act as bridges between the ICN community and researchers in related fields such as mobility, security, caching, applications, ICT4D, etc. We encourage workshop proposals co-chaired by members of the ICN community and these other fields. Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format, and be sent to the Tutorial/Workshop chairs.
A workshop proposal should contain at least the following information:
- Motivation and rationale for the workshop. - A draft Call For Papers (CFP), as complete as possible. -The workshop deadlines, both internal and external. See below for guidelines on important external guidelines. - Names and affiliations of main organizers. Include a tentative composition of the committees (as complete as possible). Please indicate whether prospective TPC members have been contacted, and whether they have accepted the invitation. - We strongly discourage speculative TPC listings. - Workshop format, i.e., expected number of presented papers, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, etc. Also, whether you expect to be full day or half day workshop. - Expected number of participants. Further, if the workshop is not a teaching workshop, please include the expected number of submissions. - Prior history of this workshop, if any, including number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and attendee count. If the workshop was co-located with another conference please include details and a brief description why ICN is an appropriate venue.
Note that workshop format itself should favor interaction among participants as well as community building.
Important workshop dates Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: March 30, 2016 Notification of Acceptance of Workshop proposals: April 15, 2016 Workshop paper submission deadline: July 20, 2016 Workshop paper notification deadline: August 15, 2016 Workshop camera ready version submission: September 1, 2016 Conference: September 26-28, 2016
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