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Call for Papers
PRESTO'08: Workshop on Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of TOmorrow August 22, 2008 Co-located with ACM SIGCOMM 2008 in Seattle, WA, USA. http://www.sigcomm.org/sigcomm2008/workshops/presto/
Recently, there has been renewed interest in the networking research community in re-architecting the distribution of functions in an IP network. These efforts can be described as a dis-aggregation of router functionality into various components and well-defined interfaces, to enable deployment of richer services and easier management of the network. In addition, researchers and practitioners in industry have been exploring the notion of open routers, which allows new functionality to be easily added into routers, as well as exploring router virtualization as a way to support a diverse set of applications and users. These efforts span the range from building open-source routing software, to making routers third-party-developer friendly by exposing router APIs, as recent industry announcements indicate.
Programmable network elements hold the promise of accelerating innovation and service deployment. At the same time programmability could exacerbate already challenging network management tasks. This workshop will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between researchers and industry practitioners with a goal of driving service innovation in IP networks using novel extensible router architectures.
Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Architectures for open/programmable network elements, including transport, wireless and packet forwarding devices. - Abstractions for open/programmable network elements. (Programmability versus extendible configuration. Is programmability really needed? How close to the 'metal' should programmability be? E.g., do-it-yourself versus open APIs. ) - Efficient and flexible data plane programmability. (E.g., firmware versus multi-core platforms.) - Cross-layer aware programmability. - Network element virtualization. - Network composition, configuration and provisioning in virtualized environments. - Architectures, services and/or service features enabled by programmability. - The impact of programmability on network management and operations.
The workshop solicits original papers on completed work, position papers, and/or work-in-progress papers on the challenges raised above. Papers that bring out new and interesting approaches at an early stage of their development are very welcome.
Instructions for Authors
Submissions must be no greater than 6 pages in length, must be a PDF file and must follow the SIGCOMM Workshop formatting guidelines. Submissions that deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration.
Paper submission details TBD.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: February 29, 2008 Paper Submission: March 7, 2008 Acceptance Notification: April 17, 2008 Camera Ready Due: May 9, 2008 Workshop: August 22, 2008
Program Committee
PC Chairs T.V. Lakshman (Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs) Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University) Kobus Van der Merwe (AT&T Labs - Research)
PC Members Fred Baker,(Cisco Systems) Bob Briscoe,(BT) Jon Crowcroft,(University of Cambridge) Patrick Crowley,(Washington University) Nick Feamster,(Georgia Tech) Tim Griffin,(University of Cambridge) David Maltz,(Microsoft Research) David McDysan,(Verizon) Nick McKeown,(Stanford University) Eugene Ng,(Rice University) Sylvia Ratnasamy,(Intel Research) Dipankar Raychaudhuri, (Rutgers University) John Scudder,(Juniper Networks) Lixia Zhang,(UCLA)
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