Apologies for any cross postings.
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 9th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on | | Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services (MMNS 2006) | | http://www.manweek2006.org/mmns | | | | Theme: Autonomic Management of Mobile Multimedia Services | | | | Held as part of Manweek 2006 | | http://www.manweek2006.org | | | | Herbert Park Hotel, Dublin, Ireland | | October 25th - October 27th 2006 | | | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ |MMNS 2006 |CALL FOR PAPERS | |CO-CHAIRS: | | | |The International Conference on Management of | |Ahmed Helmy, |Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services (MMNS) | |University of |will hold its ninth annual meeting on October 25 | |Southern |through October 27, 2006, in Dublin, Ireland. A | |California, USA; |single-track conference, MMNS will provide | | |participants with a high quality and intimate | |Brendan Jennings, |setting for discussion and debate. | |Waterford | | |Institute of |MMNS has established itself as a premier conference | |Technology, |for research and innovation in management of | |Ireland; |emerging multimedia technology and networked | | |services. The scope of the conference has been | |Liam Murphy, |expanded recently to include management of emerging | |University College|mobile networks. The objective of the conference is | |Dublin, |to bring together researchers and scientists from | |Ireland. |industry and academia researching and developing | | |state-of-the-art management and multimedia systems, | |MMNS STEERING |while creating a public venue for results | |COMMITTEE: |dissemination and intellectual collaboration. | | | | |Nazim Agoulmine, |The demand for multimedia real-time services and | |Univ. of Evry, |mobile applications continues to grow rapidly, | |France; |bringing forth enormous challenges in the management | | |of their supporting networks. The need to evolve | |Kevin Almeroth, |management tools and methodologies to keep pace with | |Univ. of |emerging networks is at a critical juncture with the | |California in |proliferation of mobility and wireless systems, | |Santa Barbara, |intelligent and broadband networks, data/voice | |USA; |convergence and the integration of computing and | | |communication in all devices. Concepts such as | |Ehab Al-Shaer, |self-organizing, self-healing adaptive networks and | |DePaul Univ., USA;|autonomic communications are bringing the academic | | |and industry research communities together to | |Raouf Boutaba, |address the challenges of managing complexity and | |Univ. of Waterloo,|systems problems, where management is inevitably | |Canada; |key. In addition to the challenges provided by the | | |requirements of multimedia services (e.g., | |Masum Z. Hasan, |delay/jitter bounds), mobility introduces yet | |Cisco Systems, |another set of management challenges with highly | |USA; |dynamic (intermittently connected) network topology | | |and resource constrained portable devices. | |David Hutchison, | | |Univ. of |The MMNS 2006 technical program committee is | |Lancaster, UK; |soliciting research papers in the broad area of | | |network and service management and new models, | |Alan Marshall, |architectures and designs in technology and services | |Queens Univ. of |to enable multimedia and mobility proliferation. | |Belfast, UK; |MMNS 2006 will continue the success of the | | |outstanding agendas of the past, and will emphasize | |Guy Pujolle, LIP6,|and solicit novel research in management of mobile | |France; |networks. Topics of interest include but are not | | |limited to: | |John Vicente, | | |Intel, USA. |· Mobile multimedia network management; | | | | |TECHNICAL PROGRAM |· Management of wireless ad-hoc networks; | |COMMITTEE: | | | |· Management of sensor and actuator networks; | |Pablo Arozarena, | | |Telefónica |· Network management models and architectures; | |Investigación y | | |Desarrollo, Spain;|· Network measurement/monitoring for multimedia and | | |mobile services; | |Åke Arvidsson, | | |Ericsson, Sweden; |· Multi-service over IP (voice, video and data over | | |IP) network management; | |Chadi Assi, | | |Concordia Univ., |· Grid networking for multimedia; | |Canada; | | | |· Multimedia in peer-to-peer networks; | |Fan Bai, General | | |Motors Research |· Quality of service management in multimedia and | |Labs, USA; |mobile networks; | | | | |Javier Barria, |· Planning and optimisation of multimedia and mobile | |Imperial College, |networks; | |UK; | | | |· IP Multimedia System (IMS) operations and | |Mohamed Bettaz, |management; | |Philadelphia | | |Univ., USA; |· Content distribution networking; | | | | |Sasitharan |· Management implications of supporting new digital | |Balasubramaniam, |media; | |Waterford | | |Institute of |· Distributed multimedia service management; | |Technology, | | |Ireland; |· Deployment of multimedia services; | | | | |Greg Brewster, |· Performance evaluation of Multimedia and Mobile | |DePaul Univ., USA;|Services; | | | | |Alexander Clemm, |· Novel protocols for multimedia services; | |Cisco Systems, | | |USA; |· Multi-point, multicast service management; | | | | |Nicola Cranley, |· Management of advanced audiovisual services; | |Dublin Institute | | |of Technology, |· Seamless mobility of multimedia services; | |Ireland; | | | |· Adaptive multimedia services; | |Spyros Denazis, | | |Univ. of Patras, |· Creation and management of composed multimedia | |Greece; |services; | | | | |Petre Dini, Cisco |· Pricing, Accounting and Billing for multimedia | |Systems, USA; |services; | | | | |Go Hasegawa, Osaka|· Security management for mobile and multimedia | |Univ. Japan; |networks and services; | | | | |Vana Kalogeraki, |· Application of autonomic networking concepts to | |Univ of |multimedia and mobile networks and services. | |California, | | |Riverside, USA; |PAPER SUBMISSION | | | | |Ahmed Karmouch, |Paper submissions must present original, unpublished | |Univ. of Ottawa, |research or experiences. Late-breaking advances and | |Canada; |work-in-progress reports from ongoing research are | | |also encouraged for submission to MMNS 2006. Papers | |Lukas Kencl, Intel|under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to MMNS | |Research, |2006. Authors are requested to submit either long | |Cambridge, UK; |papers or short papers (work-in-progress reports), | | |strictly in LNCS format (see below): | |Andrej Kos, Univ. | | |of Ljubljana, |· Long papers (up to 12 single-spaced single-column | |Slovenia; |pages); | | | | |Jun Li, Univ. of |· Short papers describing work-in-progress (up to 4 | |Oregon, USA; |pages). | | | | |Hanan Lutfiyya, |Please note that submissions exceeding the maximum | |Univ. of Western |long paper length will not be reviewed. Papers must | |Ontario, Canada; |be submitted online in PDF format via the "Paper | | |Submission" link that can be found on the MMNS 2006 | |Gabriel-Miro |web page. | |Muntean, Dublin | | |City Univ., |PROCEEDINGS & BEST PAPERS | |Ireland; | | | |The MMNS 2006 proceedings will be published in | |Gerard Parr, Univ.|Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science | |of Ulster, UK; |(LNCS) series. For more information regarding | | |manuscript format please visit the author's | |George Pavlou, |instruction links at LNCS: | |Univ. of Surrey, |http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/. | |UK; | | | |An award will be presented to the best student paper | |Andrew Perkis, |at the conference. Furthermore, the best papers of | |Norwegian Univ. of|MMNS 2006 will be considered for publication as | |Science and |extended versions in a special edition of the IEEE | |Technology, |eTransactions on Network and Service Management | |Norway; |(eTNSM): http://www.comsoc.org/etnsm. | | | | |Dirk Pesch, Cork |IMPORTANT DATES | |Institute of | | |Technology, |Submission: May 5th 2006. | |Ireland; | | | |Notification: July 7th 2006. | |Reza Rejaie, Univ.| | |of Oregon, USA; |Camera ready: August 2nd 2006. | | | | |Karim Seada, Nokia|Workshop: October 25th - 27th 2006. | |Research Labs, | | |USA; |LOCATION | | | | |Rolf Stadler, |MMNS 2006 will be held in the Herbert Park Hotel, | |Royal Institute of|which is located in Ballsbridge in south Dublin | |Technology, |city, Ireland. The hotel overlooks beautiful Herbert | |Sweden; |Park and is located close to the Dublin city centre | | |(approximately 15 minutes walk to Trinity College | |Burkhard Stiller, |and Grafton St.). Bus and commuter rail (DART) | |Univ. of Zurich / |stations are within walking distance and the hotel | |ETH Zurich, |is served by Aircoach and taxis for easy access from | |Switzerland; |and to Dublin Airport. | | | | |John Strassner, |SPONSORSHIP & CO-LOCATED EVENTS | |Motorola Labs, | | |USA; |The conference is sponsored by the International | | |Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working | |Marina Thottan, |Group 6.6 on Management of Networks and Distributed | |Bell Labs, USA; |Systems, with technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE | | |Communications Society, Technical Committee on | |Bert-Jan van |Network Operations and Management (CNOM). | |Beijnum, Univ. of | | |Twente, The |This is the second time that MMNS will be co-located | |Netherlands; |with four other events as part of Manweek. The | | |co-located conferences are: | |Sven van der Meer,| | |Waterford |· the 17th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on | |Institute of |Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM | |Technology, |2006); | |Ireland; | | | |· the 6th IEEE International Workshop on IP | |Theodore Willke, |Operations and Management (IPOM 2006); | |Intel, USA; | | | |· the 1st International Workshop on Modelling | |Lawrence Wong, |Autonomic Communications Environments (MACE 2006); | |National Univ. of | | |Singapore, |· the 2nd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on | |Singapore; |Autonomic Grid Networking and Management (AGNM | | |2006). | |Theodore | | |Zahariadis, | | |Ellemedia | | |Technologies, | | |Greece; | | | | | |Roger Zimmerman, | | |Univ. of Southern | | |California, USA; | | | | | |Michele Zorzi, | | |Univ. of Padova, | | |Italy. | | | | | | | | +------------------+-----+------------------------+-----------------------+ | IEEE ComSoc | IFIP TC6 | WIT/TSSG | +------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+