-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP: (Performance) Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems Datum: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 15:32:04 +0200 Von: Matthias Hollick Matthias.Hollick@KOM.TU-DARMSTADT.DE Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Referenzen: 43411D29-F0AE-444B-A4A9-61BA38BFB427@KOM.tu-darmstadt.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir moechten Sie auf die folgenden Call for Papers/Contributions auf dem Gebiet "Selbst-Organisierende Systeme und deren Modellierung" aufmerksam machen. Ueber eine rege Beteiligung wuerden wir uns freuen. Fuer einen eventuell mehrfachen Empfang dieser Nachricht entschuldigen wir uns.
Mit freundlichen Grueßen, Matthias Hollick
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-- We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP -- -- Note that (1) the workshop submission deadline is 21st of May -- -- Note that (2) the journal submission deadline is 19th of August --
-(1)-------------------- CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS ------------------------ GI/ITG/MMB/KuVS Technical Discussion (Fachgespraech) on "Performance Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems" July 13, 2007, University of Passau, Germany http://www.net.fim.uni-passau.de/pmsos07.html
OVERVIEW Self-organization plays a key architectural role for the future Internet as well as for large-scale pervasive computing systems such as wireless sensor networks. Self-organization will enhance flexibility and evolvability of organically growing, large-scale distributed systems. Driven by randomness and feedback, the relation between cause and effect of these systems may appear chaotic: minor causes may have severe impact, whereas seemingly major causes may only have a small effect. Traditional mathematical models tend to be linear and, thus, are not suitable to model such chaotic systems. Models to be developed should be simple to remain scalable to the huge number of entities in the systems under investigation and to be generally applicable. Following PMSOS 2006, we again aim to investigate the methodology for modeling and evaluating the performance and reliability of complex self-organizing systems at the edge of chaos. To this end, this meeting once more brings together leading national and international experts and creates a forum for knowledge exchange.
IMPORTANT DATES * Ext. abstracts / paper submission deadline: May 21st 2007 * Notification of acceptance: June 11th 2007 * Camera ready papers due: June 25th 2007 * Registration due: June 29th 2007 * Meeting date: July 13th 2007
PAPER SUBMISSION & PUBLICATION The submitted extended abstracts, short papers, and full papers will be reviewed and published in form of a Technical Report. Selected contributions to the Technical Discussion can be included in a special issue on "Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems" in the "Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation" (PIK) journal on applications of communication systems (Volume 31, Number 1, March 2008).
TECHNICAL PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Hermann de Meer, Universitaet Passau, Germany Patrick Wuechner, Universitaet Passau, Germany Jens B. Schmitt, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany Matthias Hollick, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
SUBMISSIONS & CONTACT patrick.wuechner@uni-passau.de
-(2)------------------------- Call for Papers ---------------------------- PIK Special Issue: "Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems" ("Selbst-Organisierende Systeme und deren Modellierung")
Scheduled date of publication: March 2008 (PIK Vol.31 No.1)
Self-organization is foreseen to play a major role in future communication systems. Obviously, this shift in paradigm leads to a variety of open research challenges. Solutions to these challenges are pivotal in either leveraging the possible advantages of self-organizing systems, but could also turn out to be a heavy burden for both operators and users. The goal is clear: after purposefully introducing (artificial) means of self- organization, the beneficial features - often identified as the so- called self-* properties - should clearly outnumber the critical ones, like un-controllability, undesired instability and criticality, or unpredictability. Thus, it is essential for the community to learn how to design, engineer, optimize, and control complex, almost chaotic systems in a structured, purposeful way. One tool that provides means for this demand is the concept of mathematical modeling. This PIK special issue aims at giving a survey on the topic of self-organization and mathematical modeling techniques that are capable of modeling self-organizing behavior.
* Essential properties of self-organizing systems * Modeling of self-* properties, such as self-organization, self-management, self-adaptation/-configuration, self-monitoring/-diagnosis, self-tuning/-optimization, self- protection, and self-repair/-healing * Metrics for evaluating self-* properties * Formal and mathematical models of self-organizing and complex systems * Observing self-organized criticality with the help of formal/mathematical models * Tools, test beds, and simulations capable of evaluating self- organizing systems * Performance, QoS, dependability, reliability, and availability modeling of self-organizing systems * Mathematical optimization of self-organizing systems * Security and fault-tolerance models for self-organizing systems * Modeling of emergent behavior * Design and construction of self-organizing systems * Control theory for self-organizing systems Modeling the (un-)controllability of self-organizing or emergent systems * Abstracting from self-organization and complexity * Scalability of complex model evaluation
* Paper submission: August 19th, 2007 * Notification of acceptance: October 21st, 2007 * Camera ready papers due: November 11th, 2007
Submissions of both technical papers and project reports in English or German are welcome. The contributions should not exceed 6 pages (A4, single column, approx. 6000 characters per page including spaces). We solicit submissions by e-mail in PDF format to Patrick Wuechner (patrick.wuechner@uni-passau.de). The camera ready version has to be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
Hermann de Meer, Universitaet Passau, Germany Patrick Wuechner, Universitaet Passau, Germany Jens B. Schmitt, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany Matthias Hollick, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
More details can be found on: http://www.net.fim.uni-passau.de/pik