-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM CarSys 2016 : The First ACM International Workshop on Connected and Automated Vehicle Mobility, New York, USA, Oct. 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE: June 20) Datum: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 11:37:32 +0100 Von: Pedro M. d'Orey pedro.dorey@DCC.FC.UP.PT Antwort an: Pedro M. d'Orey pedro.dorey@DCC.FC.UP.PT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Dear Colleagues,
the paper submission deadline for ACM CarSys has been extended to **June 20**, thanks to Mobicom workshop committee granting all workshops in Mobicom 2016 to have further deadline extensions.
===================================================== ACM CarSys 2016
The First ACM International Workshop on Connected and Automated Vehicle Mobility
A Workshop of MobiCom 2016, New York, NY, USA
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/acmcarsys2016 =====================================================
Scope -------- CarSys 2016 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of intelligent vehicular computing, communication and control systems, applications, and services. The key themes of this workshop are two-fold:
1. Connected Vehicles: Based on short- and medium-range communications as well as on cellular networks, vehicular inter-networking will enable vehicular safety applications, efficiency applications and a multitude of other commercial or public authority applications.
2. Intelligent Vehicles: As vehicles are equipped with more sensing and computing capabilities, vehicles become more intelligent and are able to accomplish a number of challenging tasks including autonomous driving.
We are currently witnessing the pursuit of high-performing, reliable, scalable, secure, and privacy-preserving connected and automated vehicle technologies, as well as associated mobility services. These ongoing innovations present an extraordinary challenge for the research community. The safety, real-time and security needs of vehicular systems and their application scenarios make the study of these systems both exciting and challenging. Goal-driven inter-disciplinary collaboration among the automotive industry and academic research community is increasingly seen as necessary. Furthermore, the connected and intelligent vehicle research field has been a very active field of research, development, standardization, and field trials. Throughout the world, there are many national and international projects in government, industry, and academia devoted to connected vehicles or autonomous driving vehicles. Many relevant industry standards and consortia are being created to prepare for the maturity of these emerging technologies. CarSys 2016 brings together researchers from these initiatives around the world to chart the way forward in this rapidly evolving field.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: --------------------------------------------------------------- - Automated Vehicles - Autonomous / Intelligent Robotic Vehicles - Vehicular Active Safety System - Information and Sensor Fusion - Vehicle Environment Perception - Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems - V2I / V2V Communication - Wireless in-car networks - Vehicle Communication protocol design and network management - Vehicle System architecture and design - Telematics and Vehicle-Cloud Integration - Safety and non-safety applications or service - Vehicular IoT Infrastructure - Intelligent Vehicle Software and Computing Infrastructure - Security and privacy issues and protection mechanisms - Cyber-physical system modeling - Field operational testing
Submission Instructions -------------------------------- All paper submissions will be handled electronically at EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmcarsys2016). Papers must be in PDF format, no longer than 8 pages (double-column), use the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and fit properly on US Letter-sized paper (8.5 inch x 11 inch) with reasonable margins. We also strongly encourage the submission of position papers or practice papers with a maximum length of 5 pages (following the ACM Proceedings Templates above). Position papers will generally include preliminary results and are expected to describe highly original ideas, discuss new directions, or generate insightful discussion at the workshop. Practice papers will provide relevant conclusions derived from real-world empirical experiences or industrial research/proof-of-concept projects.
Important Dates ---------------------- Paper submissions due: June 20, 2016 Notification of acceptance: July 22, 2016 Camera-ready due: August 5, 2016 Proceedings publication date: October 3, 2016 Workshop date: October 7, 2016 (tentative)
General Co-Chairs: ------------------------- Prof. P. R. Kumar, Texas A&M Univ., USA Dr. Xinzhou Wu, Qualcomm Research, USA
TPC Co-Chairs: -------------------- Dr. Fan Bai, General Motors Research, USA Prof. Raj Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Steering Committee: ---------------------------- Roger Berg, Denso North America Lab., USA Prof. Ramesh Govindan, University of Southern California, USA Prof. Marco Gruteser, Rutgers Univ., USA Prof. P.R.Kumar (Steering Committee Co-Chair), Texas A&M Univ., USA Dr. Cem Saraydar (Steering Committee Co-Chair), General Motors Research, USA Prof. Kang Shin, Univ. of Michigan, USA Dr. Tao Zhang, Cisco System, USA
Technical Program Committee Members ------------------------------------------------------ Onur Altintas, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Japan Suman Banerjee, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA Mate Boban, Huawei European Research Center, Germany Francesco Borrelli, UC Berkeley, USA Pedro d'Orey, Univ. of Porto, Portugal Falko Dressler, University of Paderborn, Germany Sinem Coleri Ergen, Koc University, Turkey Andreas Festag, TU Dresden, Germany Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA Hannes Hartenstein, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Ahmed Helmy, Univ. of Florida, USA Edward Knightly, Rice University, USA Robin Kravet, UIUC, USA Li Erran Li, Uber, USA Keqiang Li, Tsignhua Univ., China Christoph Mertz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Giovanni Pau, UCLA, USA / UPMC, France Umit Ozguner, Ohio State University, USA Paolo Santi, IIT-CNR, Italy Björn Scheuermann, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany Miguel Sepulcre, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche Prasun Sinha, Ohio State Univ., USA Jonathan Sprinkle, University of Arizona, USA Daniel Stancil, North Carolina State University, USA Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Hsin-Mu Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Andre Weimerskirch, Univ. of Michigan, USA
Publicity Co-Chairs ------------------------- Pedro M. d'Orey, Univ. of Porto. Portugal Christoph Mertz, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Hsin-Mu Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Website Chair ------------------- Gorkem Kar, Rutgers University, USA
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