-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] Last CFP International Journal of Computers and Applications on 'System and Networking for Smart Objects' Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 08:34:55 +0100 From: David Simplot-Ryl David.Simplot@lifl.fr To: manet@ietf.org, tccc@cs.columbia.edu CC: arp@cines.fr, com-info@lifl.fr, alp-diffusion@univ-lille1.fr, tarot@hds.utc.fr
Please accept our apologies in case you receive this information from multiple sources. ================================================================== Call for Papers
IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA) Special Issue on 'System and Networking for Smart Objects'
IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA), by ACTA Press, seeks articles for a special issue on System and Networking for Smart Objects, to appear in January 2005. The guest editors for this special issue are David Simplot-Ryl and Gilles Grimaud, University of Lille, France, and Jean-Jacques Vandewalle, Gemplus Systems Research Labs, France.
The ubiquitous sudden increase of new networked devices and the fast proliferation of distributed computing involving all kinds of computing devices create a unique challenge. Innovative solutions are required for the development, implementation and operation of distributed applications in complex IT environments full of diversity and heterogeneity. The concept of 'smart object' is defined as the junction between miniaturization with the development of wireless communications. A large number of applications in daily life enriched can be imagined: from PDA networks to smart space, from wireless smartcard to smart fridges. Smart objects like smartcards, RFID tags, wireless sensors, smart dust, require suitable basic software which takes into account the specificity of smart objects: limited resources, transient communication links, mobile and untrusted environment, etc. These constraints impact in operating system design which represents a huge challenge for a great number of research activities.
The goal of this special issue of the International Journal of Computers and Applications by ACTA Press, USA, is to publish original research and review articles in the domains of operating system and networking for smart devices given below.
Areas of relevant interest we foresee (but not limited to) include:
- Smart devices like smartcards, RFID tags, sensors and smart dusts - Embedded operating system dedicated to smart objects - Mobile and ad hoc networking protocols and service discovery - Design principles and techniques for smart embedded systems - Middleware services for deployment and management of smart objects - Security and safety issues of ubiquitous computing systems - Location-dependent / personalized applications - Wireless sensor networks and group management of sensor nodes
Submission and timetable
The submission deadline is February 20, 2004. Send papers as .pdf file to David.Simplot@lifl.fr. Papers must be written in English and must confine to a maximum of 18 pages (including abstract page, equations, tables, all figures, references, author biographies and photos (optional)) with double-line spacing per page. Clear fonts with 12-pt size must be used. All the pages shall be numbered. If there are any photographs to be included good quality printing must be used to aid referees to see the photographs clearly. Avoid coloring any graphs unless use of color shades is meant for any technical purposes. References shall be typed in a consistent format throughout and must be referenced in the order they appear. Manuscripts should strictly follow the guidelines of ACTA Press, given at the following website: http://www.actapress.com/journals/submission.htm
Manuscript Submission: February 20, 2004 Acceptance Notification: June 20, 2004 Final Manuscript Due: September 1, 2004 Publication: January 2005
Guest co-editors
David SIMPLOT-RYL IRCICA/LIFL, Univ. Lille 1, INRIA Futurs, France David.Simplot@lifl.fr
Jean-Jacques VANDEWALLE Gemplus Systems Research Labs, France Jean-Jacques.Vandewalle@research.gemplus.com
Gilles GRIMAUD IRCICA/LIFL, Univ. Lille 1, INRIA Futurs, France Gilles.Grimaud@lifl.fr
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