Network and System Support for Games
Call For Papers
The NetGames workshop brings together researchers and developers from academia and industry to present new research in understanding networked games and in enabling the next generation of them. Submissions are sought in any area related to networked games. In particular, topics of interest include (but are not limited to) game-related work in:
* System benchmarking, performance evaluation, and provisioning * Latency issues and lag compensation techniques * Cheat detection and prevention * Service platforms, scalable system architectures, and middleware * Mobile and resource-constrained gaming systems * Augmented physical gaming systems * User and usability studies * Quality of service and content adaptation * Artificial intelligence * Security, authentication and accounting
We solicit submisisons of full papers (12 pages) and short papers (6 page) (single-spaced, double column, 11pt font) submitted in PDF or in postscript format. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings pending the participation of the authors in the workshop. Paper submissions will be done via the web. Authors should use the two-column ACM format for the submissions. Detailed paper submission gudelines will be available soon. In addition to papers, technical demonstrations showing original research are also solicited. One-page descriptions of demos will be reviewed independently of the technical paper review and acceptance process.
Important Dates:
One-page demo submission: April 16, 2004 Short-paper submission: April 16, 2004 Full-paper submission: April 16, 2004 Notification: May 21, 2004 Camera ready manuscript: June 14, 2004
*Program Committee*
Grenville Armitage, Swinburne University of Technology Adrian Cheok, Nationial University of Singapore Mark Claypool, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge Constantinos Dovrolis, Georgia Institute of Technology Wu-chang Feng, OGI@OHSU Carsten Griwodz, University of Oslo Tristan Henderson, University College London Martin Mauve, Heinrich Heine University Keith Mitchell, Lancaster University (Demo chair) Debanjan Saha, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig