-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] Deadline Extension to June 6: ACM WMASH'2005 Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 10:27:24 +0900 From: Sunghyun Choi schoi@snu.ac.kr Reply-To: schoi@snu.ac.kr Organization: Seoul National University To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu CC: 'Daji Qiao' daji@iastate.edu, schoi@snu.ac.kr, 'Renato Lo Cigno' locigno@dit.unitn.it
Dear all,
Please note that the deadline for ACM WMASH'2005 has been extended by one week. The revised deadline is 5pm EST, June 6th, 2005. Thanks a lot for your attention.
Call for Papers ACM WMASH'2005 The Third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots http://wmash2005.ece.iastate.edu/ Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE (In Conjunction with ACM MOBICOM'2005) September 2, 2005 Cologne, Germany
The goal of the workshop is to address and discuss the technical and business challenges, ideas, views, and research results in providing public wireless Internet services and applications for nomadic users in small, highly-populated, public spaces (wireless LANs and "hotspots").
We are specifically interested in work dealing with network layer and above (layers 3-7). However, cross-layer solutions including MAC interaction as well as ESS management via IAPP are welcome. Within the context of interest to this workshop, a list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
- Applications and services - New service and business models - Public WLAN and hotspot architectures - Community-owned WLAN infrastructures - WLAN-based ad-hoc network service creation and management - Metro-area hotspots using 802.11/802.16 mesh - Multi-radio mesh node designs - Self-configuring mesh networks for public hotspots - Mobile routers for transient, portable hotspots - Application case studies of mobile routers - Interworking with other wireless systems, e.g., 3G, 802.16 - Mobility, roaming, and handoff management - Context-aware services and technologies - Location-aware applications and services - Multimedia wireless applications, e.g., Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) - Authentication, accounting, billing and payment issues - Security and privacy in public WLANs - Middleware support - Service location and discovery - Traffic measurements and modeling - Case studies on deployed platforms and experimental testbeds
Please consult the Program Co-Chairs Renato Lo Cigno (locigno@dit.unitn.it mailto:locigno@dit.unitn.it) and Milind M. Buddhikot (milind@dnrc.bell-labs.com mailto:milind@dnrc.bell-labs.com) if you are uncertain whether your paper falls within the scope of the workshop.
Important Dates: - Paper/Poster Submission Deadline: May 6, 2005, 5pm EST (Extended) - Notification: July 1, 2005 - Camera Ready Due: July 20, 2005
Paper and Poster Submission Guidelines: We solicit two types of contributions, i.e., regular papers and posters. Submitted regular papers must not be currently under review for any other publication. The poster session will provide an excellent opportunity for initial feedback on early research results. Posters may not preclude concurrent submissions on the same topic in regular conferences and journals. Both regular papers and poster descriptions will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will be available at the ACM digital library. The lengths of a regular paper and a poster description are limited by 10 and 3 pages, respectively. Visit the conference website at http://wmash2005.ece.iastate.edu for the paper format and submission guideline.
Organizing Committee:
General Chair - Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
Technical Program Co-Chairs - Milind M. Buddhikot, Lucent Bell Labs, USA - Renato Lo Cigno, University of Trento, Italy
Publicity Chair - Daji Qiao, Iowa State University, USA
Publications Chair - Anand Prasad, Docomo Euro-Labs, Germany
Panel Chair - Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Steering Committee Parviz Kermani, IBM Research, USA - Committee Chair Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy Sung-Ju Lee, HP Labs, USA
Technical Program Commitee Milind Buddhikot, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Andrew Campbell, Columbia University Claudio Casetti, Politecnico di Torino Yatin Chawathe, Intel Research at Seattle Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University Marco Conti, CNR - Istituto CNUCE Laura Feeney, Swedish Institute of Computer Science Gabor Fodor, Ericsson Research Rosario Garroppo, University of Pisa Javier Gomez, National University of Mexico Xingang Guo, Intel Corp. Kyunghun Jang, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Byoung-Jo Kim, AT&T Labs - Research Young-bae Ko, Ajou University John Krumm, Microsoft Research Sung-Ju Lee, HP Labs Yui-Wah Lee, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies John Lin, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Renato Lo Cigno, Universita` di Trento Saishankar Nandagopalan, Philips Research USA Saverio Niccolini, NEC Europe Ltd., Network Laboratories George Polyzos, Athens University of Economics and Business Anand Prasad, DoCoMo Euro-Labs Daji Qiao, Iowa State University Bill Schilit, Intel Research Puneet Sharma, Hewlett Packard Labs Rajeev Shorey, IBM Research, New Delhi Raghupathy Sivakumar, Georgia Institute of Technology Young-Joo Suh, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Ilenia Tinnirello, University of Palermo Yang Xiao, The University of Memphis
---- Sunghyun Choi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Multimedia & Wireless Networking Laboratory (MWNL) School of Electrical Engineering Seoul National University Tel: +82-(0)2-880-1753 Fax: +82-(0)2-877-1753 Mobile: +82-(0)11-798-0180 E-mail: schoi@snu.ac.kr mailto:schoi@snu.ac.kr URL: http://ee.snu.ac.kr/~schoi
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