-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" [mailto:KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE] Im Auftrag von Torsten Braun Gesendet: Samstag, 1. März 2003 00:30 An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Betreff: ASWN 2003
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
einige von Ihnen waren in dieser Woche auf der KiVS in Leipzig und haben um eine Verlängerung der Deadline gebeten. Wir haben die Deadline zur Einreichung von Papers auf den 10.März verschoben.
mit freundlichen Grüssen
Torsten Braun
*********************************************************************** Call for Papers
Third Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2003)
July 2-4, 2003 Berne, Switzerland http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~rvs/events/ASWN_2003
IEEE Communications Society Technically Co-Sponsored ************************************************************************
ASWN 2003 is the third workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks. The first two events were held in France, and in 2003 the workshop will take place in the capital of Switzerland. ASWN 2003 aims at investigating new developments in wireless networks focusing on applications and services. The workshop will provide three-day presentations of invited and regular papers from manufacturers, academia, and services providers. Tutorial sections will also be possibly organized.
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Media Distribution over Wireless Networks - New Data Services for Wireless Network - Audio-visual Applications for Home and Business - Inter Domain and Inter System Mobility - QoS Profiling and Pricing, end-to-end QoS - Security and AAA Aspects - Nomadic Services, Interface Management - Mobile ad-hoc Networks, Multihop Wireless Networks - Wireless Local Loop Technologies - Wireless Personal Area Networks - Software Radios - Enabling Technologies and Architectures, 3G and beyond - Service Development, Validation & Test - Service Creation and Discovery - Location-based Services - Middleware for Mobile Applications and Services - Mobile Multimedia - Performance of Mobile/Wireless Networks and Systems - Mobile Service Interworking - Context and Ambient Awareness - Cooperative Networks
General Chair Nada Golmie NIST - National Institute of Standards, USA nada.golmie@nist.gov
Program Chairs Torsten Braun University of Berne, Switzerland braun@iam.unibe.ch Jochen H. Schiller Freie University of Berlin, Germany schiller@inf.fu-berlin.de
Local Arrangements Chair Ruy de Oliveira University of Berne, Switzerland oliveira@iam.unibe.ch
Paper Submission Submit your complete papers electronically according to the instructions available at: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~rvs/events/ASWN_2003/instructions.html Papers must be in English in two-column format (A4), using font no smaller than 10 points and not exceed 10 pages. Complete postal and email addresses of the corresponding author are needed as well. Only PDF and Postscript formats will be accepted. Further information will be made available at the conference web site. If you have any difficulty in submitting your paper, please contact us via email to aswn2003@iam.unibe.ch.
Prominent Papers The best papers of the workshop will be considered for publication in a special issue of Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal.
Tutorial Proposals Proposals for tutorials including content description and CV of the presenter should be sent to the Local Arrangements Chair.
Deadlines Paper and tutorial submission due: March 10, 2003 Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2003 Camera Ready due: May, 15, 2003
Sponsors - Swisscom (http://www.swisscom.com/pr/content/home/index_EN.html) - Whitestein Technologies (http://www.whitestein.com/) - Business Network Communications (http://www.bnc.ch)
General Information Helpful information such as tourist places and directions to the workshop can be found on the workshop website.