-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] Call for Workshop Papers - DCOSS-IoT 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE Datum: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 16:23:13 +0400 Von: Dev Mishra debashish216@GMAIL.COM An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS 20th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT 2024) Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
April 29 – May 1, 2024 https://dcoss.org/ https://dcoss.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DCOSS-IoT 2024 will feature *8* thematic Workshops addressing recent trends and special topics in relevant research and technology. The accepted papers of all Workshops will be included in full text in IEEE Proceedings, available at IEEE Xplore. For the full details and individual dates, please refer to www.dcoss.org http://www.dcoss.org.
* Wi-DroIT 2024 (6th International Workshop on Wireless Sensors and Drones in Internet of Things) * IoTI5 2024 (6th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0) * SmaCE 2024 (6th IEEE International Workshop on Workshop on Smart Circular Economy) * ISIoT 2024 (6th International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things) * UrbCom 2024 (6th International Workshop on Urban Computing) * SecRIoT 2024 (5th International Workshop on Security and Reliability of IoT) * DISCOLI 2024 (3rd International Workshop on Distributed Collective Intelligence) * LS-NoT 2024 (International Workshop on Long and Short Range Wireless Technologies Applied to IoT for Networks of Tomorrow)
*Workshop Chairs:* Prasanna Raut (Technology Innovation Institute – TII, UAE) Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou (University of New Mexico, USA)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Wi-DroIT 2024 (6th International Workshop on Wireless Sensors and Drones in Internet of Things)*
Recently, the rapid development of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, has highlighted a plethora of emergent applications such as infrastructure inspection and surveillance, smart agriculture, seek and rescue, parcel delivery, communications, and post-disaster recovery. In all these applications UAVs may coexist with ground Internet of Things (IoT) devices. For example, UAVs autonomously perform remote sensing relaying the collected data by the sensors. Additionally, one or more UAVs can collaborate to provide services that require efficient protocols where multiple objectives and constraints need to be considered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *IoTI5 2024 (6th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0)*
It is evident that IoT is entering multiple fields of everyday life. The proliferation of IoT devices as well as the numerous use cases reveal the very promising potentials of IoT in revolutionizing several aspects of common activities as well as business processes. The vision of interconnecting billions of devices in a holistic network, where machines communicate along with traditional human communications is now being realized, towards the formation of the Internet of Everything (as called by Cisco). The workshop focuses on Industrial Internet of Things systems and applications, which represent the highest value segment of the IoT market. The heavy research endeavors of last years have provided efficient solutions and enhanced technologies that enable the creation of such a network, overcoming several challenges stemming from the special attributes of device-to-device communications, embedded devices, and big data management.
The new challenge is to identify efficient ways of integrating IoT technologies in contemporary applications exploiting the potentials of real-time monitoring, interactive control, self-management, and data analytics towards “smart” behavior and enhanced performance. The main scope of the “IoT Applications and Industry 5.0” (IoTI5) workshop is to identify and promote new techniques for the realization of promising IoT applications in various areas, including Industry 5.0 scenarios.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SmaCE 2024 (6th IEEE International Workshop on Workshop on Smart Circular Economy)*
Circular Economy is a paradigm for sustainable growth that envisions the transformation of how modern societies design, produce and consume goods and services towards a regenerative economic cycle. Future and emerging technologies, such as 5G and 6G networks, Distributed Ledger Technologies, and crowdsourcing systems, along with innovative models and paradigms, such as the Internet of Things, Industry 5.0, and community networks, will play an important role in the transition to Circular Economy. The development of relevant international standards and policy-making initiatives, such as the European Green Deal, will also facilitate the transition. Smart Circular Economy is an international workshop focusing on the role of ICT as an enabler for Circular Economy. This workshop brings together scientists, researchers, as well as relevant stakeholders from the industry and local communities to share and exchange their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research lying in the intersection of ICT and Circular Economy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ISIoT 2024 (6th International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things)*
The Internet of Things is a paradigm that assumes a pervasive presence in the environment of many smart things, including sensors, actuators, embedded systems and other similar devices. The development of IoT, however, has reached a crossroads, which means that without intelligence, an IoT system will act as an ordinary information transfer system. Emerging IoT applications in various fields, including smart city, smart home, smart grid, e-health, intelligent transportation systems, etc., require trustworthy networking solutions that are resilient against high mobility, high density, disasters, infrastructure failures, cyberattacks, and other disruptions. This interdisciplinary landscape of IoT applications demands researchers from different areas such as machine learning, computational intelligence, optimization, distributed computing, embedded systems, and big data to synergize their efforts in better understanding the untapped opportunities to produce highly efficient, deployable, intelligent IoT systems.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *UrbCom 2024 (6th International Workshop on Urban Computing)*
It is undeniable that the cities' urbanization has modernized people's lives, bringing several benefits to the population. However, it has also brought serious challenges such as public management of collective spaces, air pollution, traffic congestion, energy consumption, and quality of life. In this context, Urban Computing emerges as a process of acquisition, integration, and analysis of a large volume of heterogeneous data generated from different sources in urban spaces, such as portable devices, sensors, vehicles, humans, among others. Urban Computing is an interdisciplinary area that connects information and communication technology, advanced management of large volumes of data, and diverse data analysis methods to propose solutions to problems faced by cities. In addition, Urban Computing seeks to understand the nature of urban and social phenomena to better plan the future of cities and improve their inhabitants' quality of life. UrbCom aims to create a space for: (1) presentation and discussion of studies in the area of Urban Computing; (2) collaboration between researchers from different areas that, given the interdisciplinary nature, is not limited to Computer Science.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SecRIoT 2024 (5th International Workshop on Security and Reliability of IoT)*
The next years more than 20 billion devices will be interconnected. The Internet of Things provides unparalleled opportunities for the development of new novel services. Currently, most of the new electronic devices are offering from basic to advanced networking capabilities in the context of smart environments. Newer vehicles are partially or completely autonomous, powered by modern microprocessors, hundreds of sensors and Internet enabled services. The same applies to robotic and medical devices and almost every other advanced equipment. Despite the longstanding efforts of the scientific community to secure Internet and Network communications, Operating Systems and Software Applications, only a limited amount of this knowledge has been applied to the IoT ecosystems. Most of the IoT devices, including modern vehicles suffer from numerous and multilayered vulnerabilities. Default, weak or no password authentication for remote connections, unencrypted traffic or obsolete and insecure cryptographic algorithms, outdated, unmanaged and vulnerable software are among the most serious problems of the IoT landscape. Even more alarming is the unregulated manufacturing process of many IoT constructors. Aiming to reduce the cost and minimize the time to market of their products, minimal or none effort is put to secure and support them sufficiently. Worse, there are recorded cases of IoT devices delivered with preinstalled malware that demonstrate total lack of operations security in the supply chain. In contrary to software applications in PCs and mobile devices, the owners are not likely to replace their devices because of security problems. As consequence, these systems remain vulnerable for extended periods. Recent very large-scale DDoS attacks based and executed entirely by IoT Botnets, signify the magnitude of the problem.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *DISCOLI 2024 (3rd International Workshop on Distributed Collective Intelligence)*
Recent technological and scientific trends are promoting a vision where intelligence is more and more distributed and collective. Indeed, as computing and communication technologies are becoming increasingly pervasive, and complexity of systems is growing in terms of scale, heterogeneity, and interaction, hence the focus tends to shift from the intelligence of individual devices or agents to the collective intelligence (CI) emerging from a dynamic collection of diverse devices. Such intelligence would allow systems to address complex problems through proper coordination (e.g., cooperation or competition), to self-organise to promote functionality under changing environments, and to improve decision-making capabilities. The workshop aims to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners can share and discuss fundamental concepts, models, and techniques for studying and implementing collectively intelligent distributed systems. Accordingly, it welcomes original research work providing ideas and technical contributions for promoting scientific discussion and practical adoption of CI mechanisms in engineered systems. As such, the workshop also welcomes cross-disciplinary contributions (e.g., extracting computational mechanisms from natural systems exhibiting forms of CI) and contributions from related research areas like coordination (the study of interaction), multi-agent systems (MAS), socio-technical systems, organisational paradigms, Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs), the Internet of Things (IoT), crowd computing, and swarm robotics.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *LS-NoT 2024 (International Workshop on Long and Short Range Wireless Technologies Applied to IoT for Networks of Tomorrow)*
The popularity of the IoT has grown over the last decade thanks to its numerous applications and the evolution of microelectronics. Moreover, with this evolution, the price of IoT components decreased during the last decade, which made them more accessible and eased their integration in specific areas. This leads to pioneer IoT applications opening an exciting path to the world of tomorrow. From these domains, we can note : Satellite communications (satellite-to-satellite, satellite-to-earth, earth-to-satellite), Wide range communication in white areas, Vehicular communications (vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, infrastructure-to-vehicle), Fog and Edge computing, etc. just to name a few. These new domains in IoT bring challenges and opportunities in terms of communication, whether in long or short range, that the actual wireless technologies need to tackle. For these reasons, this new workshop aims at finding and promoting new solutions for long and short range IoT applications. Moreover, any recent communication technologies that can be applied to IoT devices have to be investigated and promoted. From these technologies, we can note the next upgrade of the Internet (6G, tactile Internet, etc.), Bluetooth Low Energy, Visible Light Communications (VLC), Magnetic Inductions, Acoustic waves, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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