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Von: Ye Liu <>
Datum: 24. März 2021 um 03:38:13 MEZ
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers: IEEE INDIN 2021 Special Sessions on “Industry 4.0 in Agriculture”
Antwort an: Ye Liu <>

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit your latest research to the 19th IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2021) Special
Sessions on Industry 4.0 in Agriculture. INDIN is a flagship conference of
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society providing a forum for presentation and
discussion of the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of industrial
information technologies.

Please kindly find the details of the call for papers with the following
website link:


CFP: INDIN2021 Special Sessions on Industry 4.0 in Agriculture


The three previous industrial revolutions (from Industry 1.0 to Industry
3.0) gradually modified the form of agricultural activities. The
traditional labor-intensive agriculture has been replaced by industrial
agriculture through the adoption of industrial production patterns,
industrial production processes, and industrial supply chain management in
agriculture. Currently, industrialized food production and distribution
dominates the global agriculture industry because this method is more
productive and cost-effective.

However, there still exist several issues that need to be addressed in the
current status of industrial agriculture, such as ecological problems, lack
of digitization, food safety issue, and inefficient agri-food supply chain.

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is ongoing, and is
characterized by a fusion of emerging technologies such as the Internet of
Things (IoT), robotics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and
blockchain technology. At present, industrial production processes and
supply chains have become more autonomous and intelligent. Correspondingly,
the integration of Industry 4.0 and agriculture provides the opportunity to
transform industrial agriculture into the next generation, namely,
Agriculture 4.0. In this context, sustainable and intelligent industrial
agriculture would be achieved through real-time variable fine-grained
collection, processing, and analyzing of spatio-temporal data in all
aspects of the agricultural industry, from food production, processing,
distribution to consumer experience. Such a smart industrial agriculture
ecosystem with real-time farm management, a high degree of automation, and
data-driven intelligent decision-making would greatly improve productivity,
agri-food supply chain efficiency, food safety, and the use of natural

This special session on “Industry 4.0 in Agriculture” is to provide a forum
for researchers from diverse interdisciplinary areas to present their
latest achievements in smart agriculture.

*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:*

  - Internet of Things for smart agriculture
  - Robotics and autonomous systems for smart agriculture
  - Artificial intelligence for smart agriculture
  - Big data analytics for smart agriculture
  - Blockchain for smart agriculture
  - Edge computing for smart agriculture
  - Unmanned aerial vehicle for smart agriculture

*Submissions Procedure:  *

All the instructions for paper submission are included in the conference
website* <>*

Best regards,

The Special Sessions Organizers

IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.