[our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 2nd workshop on "The Social Car" | | "SOCIALLY-INSPIRED MECHANISMS FOR FUTURE MOBILITY SERVICES" | | | | Eindhoven, The Netherlands; October 27th, 2013 | | colocated with AutomotiveUI 2013 (http://www.auto-ui.org/13) | | | | Workshop website: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/AutoUI13_SocialCar/ | | Submission deadline (position papers): August 26th, 2013 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------| WORKSHOP SUMMARY |-------------------------- Successful application of collective, socially inspired driving mecha- nisms requires to understand how socially-inspired cars/vehicles (i.e., driver-car pairs) could make use of their social habitus, composed from (past & present) driving behavior, social interactions with pedestrians, vehicles, infrastruc ture, etc. , and drivers' vital states when exposed to other road participants in live traffic. In response to this emerging research direction, the aim of this work- shop is to achieve a common understanding of the symbiosis between dri- vers, cars, and infrastructure from a global point of view (referred to as "collective driving"). In particular, this workshop is expected to provoke an active debate on the adequacy of the concept of socializing cars, addressing questions such as who can communicate what, when, how, and why?
---------------------------| Workshop Themes |-------------------------- Potential topics to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Social norm in the automotive domain * Incentive based optimizations * Improvements triggered by collective behavior * Relevant parameters to identify/describe social status or behavior of a car (incorporate the driver?) * Modeling techniques for handling social interaction behavior, e.g., traffic superorganism, pheromones, stigmergic behavior * Benefit assessment: why should cars (maybe drivers) disclose their 'social status', 'social relationships'? * Understanding the potentials of socially inspired C2C communication * Crowdsourcing * Driving as a "collaboration" with either passengers or an agent * Implementation of agents/robots for improving V2V communications * The subject of V2V communications (driver to driver, passenger to passenger, driver to passenger, driver to agent, or agent to agent?) * Authentication for in-vehicle social services * Privacy, safety, and/or security issues related to in-vehicle social services * Plausible types of information in in-vehicle social services * Cultural differences in in-vehicle social services * V2V communications as a personal broadcasting station (or system) * Other than V2V, including V2I (vehicle to infrastructure using road- side units) or V2B (vehicle to broadband cloud (network)) * Optimal protocols for social cars (802.11p, Wimax, NFC, Bluetooth,..)
Please submit your position papers (2-6 pages in length, ACM SIG format template; http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) using the workshop paper submission system available at
Workshop website: https://www.pervasive.jku.at/AutoUI13_SocialCar Contact: mailto:riener@pervasive.jku.at
------------------| Important Dates for the Workshop |------------------
* Submission deadline: August 26th, 2013 * Notification of acceptance: September 10th, 2013 * Camera ready version due: September 30th, 2013 * Registration deadline: September 25th, 2013 * Workshop date: October 27th, 2013
Please feel free to contact the organizers at any time.
Andreas Riener, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological University, USA Ignacio Alvarez, BMW Connected Drive and Innovations, Asia Pacific Area
For more details see the workshop website!