Von: Eva Kern via Eased <eased@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>
Gesendet: 22. Juni 2019 10:23:37 MESZ
An: "eased@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de" <eased@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>
Betreff: [EASED] Workshop for Young Scientists: Environmental Informatics between Sustainability and Change - Join us!

Dear colleagues* in environmental & sustainability informatics, 

we cordially invite you to this year's workshop "Environmental informatics between sustainability and change (UINW 2019)" at EnviroInfo 2019 & INFORMATIK 2019 in Kassel. 
The focus of the workshop is on young scientists and offers doctoral students, postdocs and those interested in a doctorate the opportunity to discuss their topic and receive feedback. 

Contributions already accepted at EnviroInfo or INFORMATIK can also be submitted (see below).

Please forward this information to interested parties. Thank you very much. 

Many greetings
Stefan Naumann
Kristina Voigt
Eva Kern
Volker Wohlgemuth

Future of Environmental Informatics Research from the Perspective of Young Researchers 
New Ideas, Approaches, Methods, Networks, and Use Cases 
Special Edition of the 7th Workshop Environmental Informatics between Sustainability and Change (UINW 2019) 

Contributions may be written in German or English. The workshop language is German.
Digitization and sustainable development are key global challenges of the 21st century. The intersection of the resulting research needs is environmental informatics as an essential field of research in applied informatics.  
The workshop "Environmental Informatics between Sustainability & Change" (UINW) will take place in 2019 as Special Edition in Kassel, under the umbrella of EnviroInfo 2019 as well as part of INFORMATIK​ 2019. 
The Special Edition is aimed in particular at young researchers. 

Target group
  • Master graduates 
  • People interested in a doctoral study 
  • Doctoral students 
  • Post-docs 
Contribution to EnviroInfo, KI or another conference during INFORMATIK 2019 (full or short contribution or poster) or 
Explicit submission for the UINW-Workshop (Full or short contribution) 
Contributions may be written in German or English.  
The workshop language is German. 

An essential criterion for the assumption is the treatment of a topic from the intersection of sustainability/environment and computer science. 

During the workshop, the participants briefly present their topic. Feedback will be provided by other young  scientists  and,  additionally,  by  experienced  professors  from  the  field  of  environmental informatics. 

Why participate?
  • Receive feedback on your own research (ideas) 
  • Thematic exchange and consultation 
  • Networking with other young academics scientists 
  • Idea development of joint publications & projects 
  • Exchange of experiences between doctoral candidates & post-docs 
  • Insights into the Environmental Informatics Committee of the GI   
Important dates
  • Submission of contributions: 05 July 2019 
  • Notification of acceptance: 26 July 2019 
  • Submission of printable version: 9 August 2019 
  • UINW-Workshop: 23/24 September 2019 ​​