Von: Enrico Natalizio <enatalizio@DEIS.UNICAL.IT>
Gesendet: 2. Februar 2014 11:21:36 MEZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [WiSARN 2014] 8th International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks

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Call for papers
WiSARN 2014
8th International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks
(in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless )
Benidorm, Spain
22-27 June 2014


Paper submission: February 28th

Author notification: March 20th

Author registration: March 28th

Camera ready: March 28th


Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) are the confluence point where the traditional fields of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), robot networks and control theory meet. In WSAN, nodes collaborate to accomplish distributed sensing and actuation tasks. Leveraged by the control and mobility of actors, the networking process and applications embrace a whole new set of possibilities. Actors may deploy, repair and relocate sensors to improve coverage, build routes and fix network partition to ensure data communication, change network topology to shape routing patterns and balance energy consumption, and respond to reported events in a timely and effective manner. The benefits are limited only by imagination. As an emerging field, WSANs are in need of new networking techniques, by which they can fully exploit their particularities and potentials. WiSARN aims to bring together state-of-the-art contributions on the design, specification and implementation of architectures, algorithms and protocols for current and future applications of WSAN.

Original, unpublished contributions are solicited in ALL aspects of WSAN and traditional wireless sensor networks, robot networks, as well as robotics and automation. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

* Autonomous sensor networks
* Emergent behavior in WSAN
* Modeling and simulation of WSAN
* WSAN architectural and operational models
* Optimal control of networked robots
* Robot advanced motion control by WSAN
* Modeling and control of flying robots
* Autonomic and self-organizing coordination and communication
* Sensor-robot and robot-robot coordination
* Energy-efficient and real-time communication protocols
* Bandwidth-efficient and delay-tolerant communication protocols
* Distributed control and management in WSAN
* Neighborhood discovery and mobility management
* Communication protocols for swarms of mobile robots
* Map exploration and pattern formation of mobile robots
* Robot task assignment
* Biologically inspired communication
* Ecological systems
* Architectures and topology control
* Localization in WSAN
* Probabilistic integration in WSAN
* Quality of service, security and robustness issues
* Applications and prototypes
* Hybrid networks and wireless Internet
* Data management, gathering, aggregation and query processing

Papers must not exceed 14 pages.
The submission link will be available soon on wisarn2014.hds.utc.fr/submissions/

TPC Committee

General Chair:
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada

Program Co-Chairs:
Enrico Natalizio, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Danilo Tardioli, Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza), Spain

Publicity Chair:
Valeria Loscrì, Inria Lille - Nord Europe, France
Eduardo Montijano, Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza), Spain

Submission Chair:
Rafael Falcon, Larus Technologies, Canada

Web Chair:
Dimitrios Zorbas, Inria Lille - Nord Europe, France

Technical Program Committee:
Luis Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal
Novella Bartolini, University of Rome « La Sapienza », Italy
Xianghui Cao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Gianni Di Caro, IDSIA Lugano, Switzerland
Isabelle Fantoni, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Jianping He, Zhejiang University, China
Shibo He, Arizona State University, USA
Jonathan How, MIT, USA
Abdelmajid Khelil, Huawei European Research Center, Germany
Egons Lavendelis, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Tommaso Melodia, State University of New York, USA
Nathalie Mitton, Inria Lille - Nord Europe, France
Alejandro Mosteo, Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza), Spain
Jorge Ortín, Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza), Spain
Angela Schoellig, University of Toronto, Canada
Ahmet Sekercioglu, Monash University, Australia
Simone Silvestri, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Olivier Simonin, INSA de Lyon, France
Fabrice Theoleyre, CNRS, France
Fabrice Valois, INSA de Lyon, France
Evsen Yanmaz, Klagenfurt University, Austria
Shuhui Yang, Purdue University, USA

IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.