******************************************************************************** Paper submission deadline extended to August 11, 2013 ******************************************************************************** [Announcing IEEE Communications Society Technical co-Sponsorship]
Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2013) Trento, Italy October 28-31, 2013
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Submission Deadline: August 11, 2013 (Extended) Acceptance Notification: September 2, 2013 Camera Ready Due: September 30, 2013 Authors Registration Deadline: September 30, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 2013 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2013) follows the success of GIIS 2007, GIIS 2009, GIIS 2011 and GIIS 2012. The scope of GIIS consists of interrelated set of technical, policy, and social issues implicit in the development of national and international (global) information infrastructures and networks. GIIS aims at identifying and promoting the exchange of knowledge on these interrelated issues and provides liaison to bodies in the global society, technical fora and international standards. GIIS 2013 will stimulate interdisciplinary conference sessions to discuss, build and further the use of national and international information infrastructures and networks. The conference also aims at providing a forum for the participants to broaden professional contacts and for technical discussions and interactions on specific information infrastructure and networking topics. Information Infrastructure and Networking (IIN) brings together information processing applications, communications networks and services, physical and software elements in networks, and end systems. The program of GIIS 2013 will include invited talks and keynotes, paper presentations, tutorials, panel, and discussion sessions. To achieve this, GIIS 2013 program will be split into the following three conference regular tracks and two conference special tracks:
Regular Track 1: Communication Software, Services and Systems Chair: Adriano Galati, Disney Research Zurich, Switzerland * Content-Based Network Service and Network Applications * Communications & Information Security * Middleware for networked applications * Network Operations and Management * Autonomic Communication Systems * Tactical Communications and operations * VoIP, IPTV, MobileTV, TVOD, Gaming * Application and services (e-Accessibility, e-Health, e-Skills, e-Learning, e-Communities, e-Business, e-Government, e-Commerce) * Networked Medical Applications * Methods and tools for designing and evaluating software and middleware communication systems
Regular Track 2: Wired / Wireless Communication, Networks and Information Infrastructure Chair: Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece * Ad Hoc, Wireless & Sensor Communications & Networks * Delay/Disruption tolerant wireless networks * Cognitive radio networking * Communications Switching & Routing * Next Generation Internet and Internet of Things (IoT) * Multimedia Communications * Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) * Home and Enterprise Networking * Personal Communications * Peer-to-peer & overlay networks * Traffic measurement and analysis * Communication Theory * Vehicular networks * Power Line Communications * High-Speed / Optical Networking * Satellite and Space Communications * Transmission and Access Systems
Regular Track 3: Telecom Policies and Development of Global Access Chair: Roch Glitho, Concordia University, Canada * Business models for global access * Telecom, Governance, Policy and Regulation * Strategies for growing rural connectivity * Economics, financing and pricing of the global access * Organizational issues, deployment and operations * Oversight issues - transparency and accountability * Economic vs. intellectual property issues * Competition in International Service * Net neutrality issues * Global telecom business: local, country, region & international cases * Emerging systemic risks: policy, standards and regulations * Institutional design and market structuring * Stakeholder interactions and trust building * Global CIs; geopolitical risk assessment * Communities in connectivity policy making * Professional organizations and standards activities * Digital Opportunity Index * Universal Service Obligation (USO) / Universal Service Provision (USP) * Social and Societal Roles of Information and communications Technologies * Economic transformation (sustainable development, e-Communities based eco-tourism, e-Business, etc.)
Special Track 1: IIN for Critical Infrastructures Chair: Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy * Critical infrastructure (CI) design/protection/management * Risk/vulnerability/resilience based decision-making * Risk/vulnerability criteria development for assessing robustness * System dynamic behavior * Vulnerability/resilience economics; behavior of interdependent CIs * Cyber security and CI protection * Advanced control engineering concepts/ICTs in complex networks * Cross-border interconnections, international harmonization * Threat identification/assessment/monitoring models/techniques * Next generation intelligent infrastructures * Smart Grids * Smart Transportation
Special Track 2: IIN for Rural and Developing Areas Chair: Habib M. Ammari, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA * Communication Software, Services and applications for rural and developing areas * Networking technologies for rural and developing areas * Internet Access in rural and developing areas * Emergency and disaster relief * Cyber-physical systems for rural and developing areas * Smart agriculture for rural and developing areas * Mobile networks for rural and developing areas * Social networks for rural and developing areas * Cloud computing for rural and developing areas * Telecommunication regulation and policies for rural and developing areas * Telecommunication and society in rural and developing areas * Telecommunication finance and economics for rural and developing areas
SUBMISSION PROCESS ------------------- Submissions should be original and limited to 6 double-column pages (Maximum of 2 additional pages allowed - 8 pages in total - with over-length page fee) and should follow IEEE paper templates. Papers must be submitted online via the EDAS system: http://edas.info/N15031
Selected papers will Awarded and invited for publication in special issues of Annals of Telecommunications journal (Springer).
For further information visit: http://www.giis-conf.org/ or send an email to: giis13-chairs@edas.info
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES
Paper Submission Deadline: August 11, 2013 (Extended) Acceptance Notification: September 2, 2013 Camera Ready Due: September 30, 2013 Authors Registration Deadline: September 30, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
GENERAL CHAIR Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy
PROGRAM CHAIR Sidi Mohammed Senouci, University of Burgundy, France
Adriano Galati, Disney Research Zurich, Switzerland Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece Roch Glitho, Concordia University, Canada Habib M. Ammari, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy
STEERING COMMITTEE Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Paris-Est University & ENSIIE, France Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada Mehmet Ulema, Manhattan College Riverdale, New York, USA Doug Zuckerman, Telcordia Technologies, USA Roberto Sarracco, EIT ICT Labs, Trento Node, Italy
PUBLICITY CO-CHAIRS Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
PUBLICATION CHAIR Nadjib Achir, University of Paris 13, France
WEB CHAIR Ismail Salhi, Paris-Est University, France
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Laura Meijere, EIT ICT Labs, Trento CLC, Italy