-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP - First International Workshop on Cooperation in Pervasive Environments Datum: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:05:21 -0400 Von: Aaron Striegel striegel@nd.edu An: Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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---------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------------------
The First International Workshop on Cooperation in Pervasive Environments (CoPE 2009) http://www.cse.nd.edu/~darts/cope.html in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2009 (http://www.percom.org)
The continuous emergence of powerful personal handheld devices and smart phones are redefining the pervasive computing paradigms of the past. The questions this workshop aims to discuss are: * How does the ubiquity of personal communication devices enable and support cooperative activities? * What are the technical challenges that must be overcome to achieve seamless cooperation? * What are the challenges in discovering and disseminating content given energy and form factor constraints of mobile devices?
The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both academia and industry to foster a discussion on key research challenges in content sharing and dissemination, cooperative activities, mobile search, and security and privacy issues in pervasive environments. Additionally, the workshop forum will provide an opportunity to explore new business models and act as a soundboard for discussing bold new ideas in the area. While the main purpose is to promote discussions in the design of cooperation and sharing architectures, protocols, algorithms, middleware, services, and applications for wireless systems, it also aims at increasing the synergy between academic and industry professionals working in this area. We therefore seek papers that address theoretical, experimental, and work in-progress at all layers of pervasive environments, with the focus on realistic application scenarios. The workshop aims to address cooperation from both an application as well as a system design standpoint. From the application perspective, the workshop encourages submissions of studies of prototypes or real-world systems, including demonstrations of these systems. Cooperation in such applications can take many forms, including multimedia communications, interaction with embedded sensing devices, etc. From the system point of view, the workshop will solicit submissions that discuss architectures for cooperative systems, resource management techniques, security mechanisms, and other middleware or systems approaches for realistic pervasive environments. We will also encourage submissions on "brave new topics" that present futuristic ideas that have never previously been explored. Topics covered by the workshop will include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Application design, case studies, prototypes, real-world-systems * Middleware technologies to support cooperation * Content sharing and dissemination in mobile environments * Context- and location-awareness * Efficient search for and dissemination of information * QoS, scalability, and energy efficiency in realistic pervasive systems * Security/privacy aspects of mobile cooperation * Payment and bartering techniques * Multi-radio and multi-channel devices * Network protocols for cooperative computing * Opportunistic sensing, networking, and cooperation * Mobile search and content discovery
Submission Instructions:
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop. Submissions should include an abstract, key words, and email address of the corresponding author. The length of the papers should be limited to 6 pages in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font). Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the workshop to present the work.
Workshop Organizers: Shivajit Mohapatra (Motorola Labs) Christian Poellabauer (University of Notre Dame) Aaron Striegel (University of Notre Dame)
Important Dates: November 3, 2008: Paper due December 19, 2008: Acceptance notification
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