-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (1-December-2005) Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 10:35:19 -0800 From: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU Reply-To: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU To: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (12/01/2005) ____________________________________________________________
1. Announcements
* DSN 2006 2005-11-18 http://www.dsn.org WMPI 2006 2005-12-09 http://www.cs.utah.edu/wmpi/2006/ * ECRTS 06 2005-12-11 http://ecrts06.tudos.org/ * VEE 2006 2005-12-15 http://www.veeconference.org/vee06 HP-PAC 2006 2005-12-19 http://fortknox.csc.ncsu.edu/proj/hppac/
* SPW 2006 2006-01-13 http://homepages.feis.herts.ac.uk/~strrjh/SP2006/ USENIX 2006 2006-01-17 http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix06/index.html
SIGCOMM 2006 2006-02-03 http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm2006/ * NOSSDAV 2006 2006-02-08 http://www.nossdav.org/2006/cfp.html EmNets 2006 2006-02-27 http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/emnets/
* SysML 2006 2006-03-03 http://research.microsoft.com/workshops/sysml/ (* = new this month)
2. About this list How to subscribe, unsubscribe, and submit requests for announcements.
More information about SIGOPS can be found at the SIGOPS webpage: http://www.acm.org/sigops
To view the HTML version of this page, go to: http://www.acm.org/sigops/announce/current.html ____________________________________________________________ Announcements
Title: 2006 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Abstract: 2005-11-18 Deadline: 2005-12-09 Webpage: http://www.dsn.org Conference: June 25-28, 2006 Contact: timothy.tsai@sun.com Location: Philadephia, USA Synopsis:
The professional society of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) will be holding its 36th annual conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN, previously called FTCS) in the city of Philadelphia, USA, June 25-28, 2006. DSN is an annual conference of academic and industry leaders from all over the world doing research and advancing the technology for improving the reliability, security, and trustworthiness of computer systems and networks.
I invite you to check the website http://www.dsn.org and consider submitting a paper to this premier forum. Please note that the deadline for submitting a paper is December 9, 2005.
____________________________________________________________ WMPI 2006
Title: 4th Workshop on Memory Performance Issues, conjunction with HPCA Deadline: 2005-12-09 Webpage: http://www.cs.utah.edu/wmpi/2006/ Conference: 2/11/2006 Contact: legion@cs.utah.edu Location: Austin, Texas, USA Synopsis:
WMPI is a one-day workshop that provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss advances in computer technology, architecture, software systems, and algorithms that address the growing disparity between processor and memory/network speeds. Hardware and software mechanisms that address this performance gap are equally welcome. We are particularly interested in new or controversial ideas. Work in early stages of development is encouraged. The workshop will include one or more keynote speakers. The best five to seven papers of this workshop will be published in a special issue of SIGMICRO newsletter.
____________________________________________________________ * NEW THIS MONTH! ECRTS 06
Title: 18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems Deadline: 2005-12-11 Webpage: http://ecrts06.tudos.org/ Conference: July, 5-7, 2006 Contact: lipari@sssup.it Location: Dresden, Germany Synopsis:
The 18th EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 06) is a forum aimed at covering state-of-the-art research and development in real-time computing. Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to: applications, infrastructure and hardware, software technologies, system design and analysis. We particularly encourage submission of papers on industrial case studies and application of real-time technology on realistic systems, real-time operating systems implementations. The submission page is now available at http://ecrts06.tudos.org/submit.shtml. Pursuing a succesful tradition at ECRTS, a set of satellite workshop will be hosted at ECRTS 06, including WCET, RTN, and OSPERT.
____________________________________________________________ * NEW THIS MONTH! VEE 2006
Title: 2nd International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments Deadline: 2005-12-15 Webpage: http://www.veeconference.org/vee06 Conference: June 14-16, 2006 Contact: groved@us.ibm.com Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Synopsis:
VEE is a forum that brings together leading practitioners and researchers in the broad area of virtualization, which includes topics such as high-level language virtual machines (JVM, CLR, etc.), process and system virtual machines, translators, machine emulators, and simulators. VEE'06 will be co-located with PLDI'06 in Ottawa, Ontario from June 14-16, 2006.
____________________________________________________________ HP-PAC 2006
Title: 2nd IEEE Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing Deadline: 2005-12-19 Webpage: http://fortknox.csc.ncsu.edu/proj/hppac/ Conference: April 25-29, 2006 Contact: dkl@cs.uga.edu Location: Rhodes, Greece Synopsis:
The goal of this workshop is to provide a timely forum for research in power-aware, high-performance computing. This includes work that reduces (1) power, (2) energy consumption, or (3) heat generation, with little or no performance penalty.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following.
. Novel power-aware architectures for HPC . Power-aware middleware for HPC . Power-aware runtime systems for HPC . Reduced power/energy/heat algorithms & applications . Surveys or studies of power/energy/heat usage of HPC applications
____________________________________________________________ * NEW THIS MONTH! SPW 2006
Title: 14th International Workshop on Security Protocols Deadline: 2006-01-13 Webpage: http://homepages.feis.herts.ac.uk/~strrjh/SP2006/ Conference: March 27/28/29 2006 Contact: J.M.Hunt AT herts.ac.uk Location: Cambridge, England Synopsis:
The theme of this year's workshop is "putting the human back in the protocol".
The trend over the last 30 years has been to regard humans as the least reliable (and least secure) parts of the system, but the human is often the only part of the system which is directly aware of the security requirement.
Our intention is to stimulate discussion, not merely to consider finished work.
As with previous years, attendance is by invitation only; to be invited you must submit a position paper. You are therefore encouraged to submit such a paper (see web site).
____________________________________________________________ USENIX 2006
Title: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX'06) Deadline: 2006-01-17 Webpage: http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix06/index.html Conference: May 30 - June 3, 2006 Contact: usenix06chairs@usenix.org Location: Boston, MA, USA Synopsis:
The Program Committee for the Systems Practice & Experience Track (formerly the the Refereed Papers General Track) is seeking your participation. Please note that the submissions deadline is January 17, 2006. Authors are invited to submit original and innovative papers that further the knowledge and understanding of modern computing systems, with an emphasis on practical implementations and experimental results. We encourage papers that break new ground or present insightful results based on experience with computer systems. The USENIX conference has a broad scope, and we encourage papers in a wide range of topics in systems.
____________________________________________________________ SIGCOMM 2006
Title: ACM SIGCOMM 2006 Abstract: 2006-02-03 Deadline: 2006-02-10 Webpage: http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm2006/ Conference: September 11-15, 2006 Contact: Location: Pisa, Italy Synopsis:
The SIGCOMM 2006 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on network architecture, design, implementation, operations, analysis, measurement, and simulation. SIGCOMM is a selective conference where full papers typically report novel results firmly substantiated by experimentation, simulation, or analysis.
____________________________________________________________ * NEW THIS MONTH! NOSSDAV 2006
Title: The 16th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video Abstract: 2006-02-08 Deadline: 2006-02-15 Webpage: http://www.nossdav.org/2006/cfp.html Conference: May, 22-23, 2006 Contact: brian@cs.umass.edu, claypool@cs.wpi.edu Location: Newport, Rhone Island, USA Synopsis:
NOSSDAV fosters cutting-edge, state-of-the-art research in multimedia and newly emerging areas. The workshop environment encourages lively discussion among participants and invites strong feedback for work in progress.
NOSSDAV invites submissions on all areas of multimedia computing and networking. Papers grounded in experimental research based on prototype and real systems are highly valued. Papers proposing new directions for research or calling into question existing conventional wisdom are welcomed.
NOSSDAV will give extra consideration to papers where the source code to experimental or real systems is released and to papers that aim to comprehensively validate previous work in some topic within multimedia.
____________________________________________________________ EmNets 2006
Title: 3rd IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets'06) Deadline: 2006-02-27 Webpage: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/emnets/ Conference: May 30-31, 2006 Contact: emnets@eecs.harvard.edu Location: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Synopsis:
The Third Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets 2006) will focus on groundbreaking research in wireless sensor systems with an emphasis on three topic areas: (1) Emerging research directions for sensor networks; (2) Application experiences; and (3) Early results from new research efforts. In keeping with the focused workshop format, EmNets encourages submissions that present exciting new work, challenge conventional ideas, propose new research directions, evaluate real-world applications and deployments, and generate controversy. We especially welcome papers reporting on highly original or risky research, position papers, and reports on application experiences and deployments.
____________________________________________________________ * NEW THIS MONTH! SysML 2006
Title: First Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques Deadline: 2006-03-03 Webpage: http://research.microsoft.com/workshops/sysml/ Conference: June 27, 2006 Contact: emrek@microsoft.com Location: Saint-Malo, France Synopsis:
More and more researchers are borrowing machine learning techniques to attack a wide-range of systems problems, from reliability and performance in large-scale systems and networks to power efficiency in sensor networks and self-configuration in complicated systems. Regardless of the domain, applying machine learning techniques requires us to deal with many similar issues, from scalably collecting training data to interpreting and responding to algorithm results. We invite submissions of short position papers or reports of early work, and especially encourage reports of experiences with real-world systems and lessons likely to be applicable across a variety of computer systems.
The SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE mailing list is intended to provide a low-volume channel that provides operating systems researchers and practitioners with information about upcoming events or other important announcements. In general, a message containing a group of such announcements will be sent about once per month with the subject line "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting". On rare occasions, announcements of particular interest or urgency will be sent out with a different subject line, starting with "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE supplemental posting" (for readers who wish to use mail filtering programs.) Finally, this mailing list is made available for use by publicity chairs of SIGOPS-sponsored conferences and the SIGOPS officers.
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Geoff Voelker, SIGOPS Information Director